She's so perfect

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Robin's pov
Robin slowly blinked her eyes open, and saw Nancy facing her asleep. Robin blinked twice to make sure this was real. Then she felt something warm on her hand, so her eyes followed down to her hand. Nancy's hand was on her's. Robin panicked for a second. She completely forgot Nancy was sleeping over at Robin's house. She felt herself turning red because she could not believe Nancy was holding her hand. She doesn't know if it was intentional or not.

Robin closed her eyes again putting her leg over Nancy's leg and cuddled her a bit without thinking first. She was half asleep so she didn't care what the awkward outcome of this situation would be. Nancy opened her eyes, like she had already been awake.

"Robin?" Shit, Robin thought. Nancy was awake after all. Robin decided to pretend she was still sleeping. Nancy then tried to escape the bed but was struggling because Robin's leg was on hers. Robin notices and pulls her back down.

"Robin it's late, your late for your job a-"
"SHIT," Robin blurted out rolling out of bed. She fell instead and was mumbling ow's.
"Oh god Rob are okay?? I was joking, its still early," Nancy laughs.
"Oh.. You've got to be kidding me.." Robin scoffs.
"I cut your hair in your sleep," Robin jokes while picking up a clump of hair.

Nancy gasps and starts touching her hair seeing if she really did cut it.
"Im joking too!" Nancy makes a face at Robin then laughs and Robin laughs along.
"Who's hair is that then," asks Nancy after her laughing fit. Robin takes a look at it and looks back at Nancy.

"I actually don't know?"
"How could you not know?! Do you have a cat or something?"

Both of them hear squeaking, or more like meowing underneath the dresser. They jolt their heads toward the meowing.
"You lied you do have one," Nancy says with confidence.
"I actually quite literally don't." Robin, confused, tries to see underneath the bookshelf to find the kitten.
"Awwww, Nance come here and  look at this adorable cat," Robin squeals. Nancy gets out of the bed and peeks underneath the dresser where Robin is, leaving inches from their faces touching eachother's. Robin feels her face heating up already. This was way too close for comfort.

"Aw oh my god he's so cute," Nancy says in a high pitched voice. Robin thought it was cute. Nancy reaches underneath the dresser and carries him out. It was a tiny kitten. Robin just admires Nancy for a second.

"I have so many questions, how did a kitten get underneath my dresser is the first one," Robin starts.
"It doesn't matter just look how cute he is, he's so perfect!"
"Its a girl," Robin says.
"Look underneath her."
"Well, she's so perfect then." Nancy holds the kitten while smiling. Her smile was like beaming.

Robin almost said out loud "so are you", but luckily she held back. It would've been really embarrassing if she had blurted that out loud. But Nancy was just so cute talking to animals, she just wanted to kis-

"Rob you okay?" Robin just realized she had  been staring at Nancy for who knows how long.
"Yes yes sorry, didn't mean to stare at you I was just thinking." Thinking about her. Wait a second, did she just think about kissing Nancy? Robin tries to forget she even thought that.

"By the way, do you want the cat? My mom is allergic to cats," Robin looks at Nancy again.
"Really?! I'd love to have her she's the cutest thing ever." Robin smiled at how happy Nancy was. It was adorable. Plus, Robin was more of a dog person anyways. But she had to admit that kitten was cuteZ

Nancy stops petting the cat for a second and asks, "So should I get going? You have work soon right?"
"Yeah I do," replies Robin. Nancy stands up.
"Okay well, it was fun hanging out with you!"
Robin just smiles and nods. She wanted to hug Nancy so bad but she didn't have the courage to even ask.


"Steve I have an announcement," Robin says while organizing tapes.
"You're in love with Nancy?" Steve teases, not realizing he wasn't completely off.
"Uh, not love but I do like her unfortunately."
"Why unfortunately? You finally found yourself a girl," exclaimed Steve trying to hype her up.

"I am almost 100% sure she is straight and will think its gross if she ever knew I liked her like that. We're just friends right now," Robin complains while pacing around.
"You can't just give up Robin, maybe she'll start coming around you know?"

Robin doesn't say anything and just shrugs her shoulders. A part of her doubted it; the other part had the tiniest bit of hope glowing inside of her that Nancy will like her back. Or that she's not straight and likes girls too.

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