(This poem is written from Kaz's POV)
I believe
That love
May just be
The single
Most powerful thing
Love can destroy
Whole civilizations.
She can also build them.Love will
Beat a person
Down to their knees,
Maybe even to a pulp.
She will keep you there,
Step on your back
So you can't get up.
And then...
It's only up to
Your partner,
The person
You're in love with
To pick you up
Off the ground
And keep you
Standing up right.
To save your life.And in my case,
That is
Chase Davenport.
He's my savior,
My knight in shining armour.
He saved me
From the
Wrath of love,
And proved that
His love was genuine.
With his
surprisingly muscular arms,
And the
Inch of height
He has over me,
It is easy for me
To be appealed
To him.He is like
My Achilles
And I'm
His Patroclus.
We would
die for each other
In war,
Whatever that
War may be.
We passed
Love's test,
And without him,
I wouldn't have
Been able to
Embrace her power
Instead of being
afraid of it.He taught me
That love
Isn't all that bad.
You just
Have to get to
Know her,
Get used to
Her being around.Without
Chase Davenport,
I would still be
A lost little puppy
Not knowing
What to do.
Chase Davenport
is my savior.
My Knight in shining armour.

Love In The Midnight Rain ~ Chaz Oneshots
FanfictionThese are just a bunch of one shots of my favorite Lab Rats: Elite Force ship, Chase x Kaz (aka Chaz) Disclaimer - I do not own any of the characters in this book because they belong to Disney XD.