Chapter 2

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Loki sat across from Thor in a small bar. They were silent for some time before Thor prompted Loki to explain his not being dead.

"Well, after Thanos killed me, everything just sort of went black," Loki began, "When I came to, I had no idea where I was. Everything had this orange glow to it and I was surrounded by water. I stood up and looked around me, when I saw a person standing under a pavilion. Something drew me to them and when I got closer I realized who it was."


Loki looked up almost hesitantly, "It was Mother," he said in a low whisper, "She came to me and embraced me. Then she told me that I still had more to do and that I was not quite finished with my journey."

"That sounds about right," Thor chuckled, "You never did finish anything you started."

"Very funny, Brother," Loki said sarcastically.

After sitting in silence for a short time, Loki spoke again more solemnly, "There's one more thing."

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"Well, Mother, she." Loki looked down at his hands in his lap for a moment, then he lifted his head again, eyes almost tearful and said, "She said that she was very proud of her sons. She asked me to tell you that she loves you very much."

Thor sniffed, then swiped his nose and cleared his throat, "Well, we must get back, I have things to do, other worlds to protect." Thor downed the last of his beer and stood, but Loki grabbed his arm.

"Brother," he said slowly, "Did you beat him?"

"Yes, we did," Thor left Loki sitting and walked out of the bar.

Loki sat alone for some time. He smiled to himself; they had beaten Thanos. Thor had said we. He had been able to help; he finally had been given the chance to make up for his past, or at least start to.

Loki walked back into New Asgard and was greeted by Valkyrie.

"Hey, Lackey," she said as she walked up to him, "Thor had to leave, but he said that you can stay here until he gets back."

Loki nodded.

"Just to be clear, I am in charge here. I will not tolerate any funny business, so don't even think about trying to cause trouble."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Loki said with a pretentious faux bow.

Valkyrie rolled her eyes before going off to work. Loki made his way to Thor's house. He went in and sat on the edge of the couch. The place was a pigsty. Beer cans were strewn all over the floor and a pizza box sat on the table in front of him.

"Hey man," said a voice to Loki's left, he turned and saw Korg, "We're about to go get some pizza, wanna come?"

"Not particularly," Loki replied.

"Alright, suit yourself."

Korg left, carrying Miek, leaving Loki alone once more with his thoughts. After a while Loki leaned back on the couch and shut his eyes, falling asleep.

"You have done well, my son," Frigga said, embracing Loki, "I am so proud of both my sons."

"Are you here to take me to my place among the stars?" Loki asked.

"No, your place is not yet ready for you," Frigga explained, "Your time is not over."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not quite finished; there is still more for you to do. Which is why I am sending you back."

"Mother, I do not wish to return. Why can I not stay with you? The universe is far better off without me anyway," Loki hung his head.

Frigga lifted Lokis chin to look into his eyes, "My son, do you not know your own worth and value?" she looked at him intently, "Though you cannot see your purpose it is great. I must go now, my son, but know that I love you very much. Tell Thor the same. Goodbye, Loki."

Loki woke up with a start. When he looked at his hands he saw that they were shaking. A small groan escaped Loki as he ran a hand down his face, then looked up at the ceiling.

"Why have you sent me here, Mother?" Loki sighed into the air, "What purpose is there for me?

Loki stood and went out of the messy house. As he walked around New Asgard the people looked at him strangely. Of course they would, he was supposed to be dead. That was not the only reason, Loki was sure. He had deceived his own people for almost four years. Why would they welcome him back? Loki hung his head in, if it had been anyone else one would think, shame.

********Next part will be coming soon!******

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