Be The Cowboy

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Golden Age Room

Woody: *Stirs in bed and smacks his lips*

Tony The Tiger: *Rummages through their closet* It has to be here somewhere!

Mr. Pig: *Slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes with his hooves* What are you doing Tony?

Tony The Tiger: I know that Woody has it in here somewhere!

Mr. Pig: Has what?

Tony The Tiger: Woody told me not too long ago that he was hiding poop from me!

Mr. Pig: Now how and why would he do that?

Tony The Tiger: *Stops for a second* I dunno...but I know I'll find it. *Laughs giddily*

Mr. Pig: *Says under his breath* Woody is going to be pissed when he sees what Tony did. He kind of deserves it though...

Mario: *Enters the room* What's going on in he-TONY!

Tony The Tiger: *Jumps out of the closet and salutes Mario* Hey Mario!

Mario: What in the world are you doing?!

Tony The Tiger: I am looking for POOP!

Mario: Why are you looking in the closet? You could just go to the bathroom where Shrek is.

Tony The Tiger: That's too much for this *Slaps his own chest* tiger! Woody said he was hiding poop from me and I know that it's gotta be in the closet!

Mario: *Pinches the bridge of his nose* Jesus Christ, Woody!

Woody: *Snores*

Mario: *Walks up to him and shakes his shoulder violently*

Woody: *Jumps up and points his shotgun to Mario* I got you now shrimpo!

Mario: *Raises his arms* It's me Woody!

Woody: *Lowers the gun* Oh...sorry about that Mario.

Mario: Woody...was is this that I hear about you "hiding poop" from Tony?

Woody: *Nervously sweats* Oh, that...Tony was being really annoying and hyperactive yesterday, more than usual. I wanted to go hunting, so I distracted him by saying I hid poop in the house.

Tony The Tiger: *Whimpers*  You're a liar, a fiend, a scoundrel! *Exaggeratedly cries and runs out of the room*

Mario: *Groans* This day is going to be a headache...we need to talk about this Woody.

Mr. Pig: *Chuckles* I guess you're about to go through some crap Woody.

Woody: *Elbows Mr. Pig in the stomach*

Mario: Leave the room Mr. Pig...

Mr. Pig: Awww... *Does "The Monkey" out of the room*

Woody: I'm sorry for tricking Tony, Mario.

Mario: I am not all that mad at you, but you have to realize what Tony is like. He's...hyperfixated on that type of stuff. When you lie to him about it, it just creates another mess. I already have to deal with Jeffy's messes, I don't want my other kid to do the same.

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