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You were pointing your gun around in the dark alley, hearing noises and footsteps.
You heard footsteps approaching behind you so you quickly pulled a stunt and elbowed them in their face. They fell to the ground groaning with a bloody nose. "Wait! Wait, wait!!" He begged as you pointed the gun at him. "I-Ill do anything!" He cried.You hesitated,"Hmm..." You hummed. "Okay," you smiled. "Tell me this, pretty boy." You gripped onto his hair and pointed the gun to his forehead. "Where's the painting?" You smirked. "Its- It's in Bob's offi-ce" he sobbed. "Where the HELL is Bob's office you moron?"
You pressed the gun against his forehead harder. He told you the address and it was not too far. "Thank you." You stood up and shot him on the head.
You heard another pair of footsteps behind you, you did a roundhouse kick right in the unknown persons neck. They fell on the floor on their face, you flipped the body over to reveal one of your assinator teammates. "Aheheh...whoops." You giggled worriedly.
You felt someone put their hands on your shoulder breathing heavily. "We need to go...NOW!" Your teammate grabbed your arm and ran. He suddenly stopped and pulled out his gun.

"Stop! Or I'll shoot." He spat out loud.

"Which team are you from?" He said still pointing his gun. "That's none of your business. All we need and know is, That woman...shes after our leader." One of the members pointed the gun at us. "I-What?"
You stammered. "We need that woman. Hand her over and you'll live." They stepped closer.
Just as you were about to say something, someone had covered your mouth and nose with a cloth. You felt like everything was spinning around and you passed out soon after.
You woke up tied up to a chair tight with tape over your mouth. You looked up and saw the same team talking and discussing. "Oh, she's awake." One of the members walked up to you. "Listen woman, we know what you're trying to do. So, therefore. Our boss is gonna have to talk to you."  They chuckled.

"Well, well. How are you ________?"

Your eyes widened as you saw who came out.
"Boss, this was the girl you wanted?" The man asked. "Yes, Thank you." He looked at you deep into your eyes. "We'll be going now. Have fun." They left and closed the door. He stepped closer

He squated down and stared at you for a few seconds before saying, "you're trying to kill me?" He smirked. He grabbed your jaw aggressively and slowly took the tape off.
"Vox..." You breathed heavily. "you piece of shit..." You said exhaustedly. "You know..." He started walking around. "I thought the same thing when I found out you were an assassin."
He smirked and leaned into your face. "I didn't fucking know my boss was talking about you" you complained. "Now you know babe."  He looked you up and down. "Okay, well can you fucking untie me? I need to go to whatever Bob's??? Office." You sighed. "Alright~ But don't even try to pull a move on me. You're no match for me." He kneeled down behind you and started untying you. "Are you that stupid?" You laughed. "Why would I kill you?" You tilted your head back. "You wouldn't kill me because you're in love with me." He chuckled. Just as he untied you, you both stood up and heard running and gunshots.
"Boss! Bob's te-" one of Vox's members said but unfortunately got shot. Vox quietly but quickly pulled you into a corner and covered your mouth with one hand while the other wrapped around your waist

"Clear." One of the members walked out of the room. Vox lets go of you and peeked his head out to see if anyone else was there. He grabbed your hand and helped you get back home.

"You sure you don't wanna come in? I..I have a first aid kit.." You pointed at the scar on his arm. "I'll be fine." He reassured you. You sighed and pulled him in your house and locked the door shut."I told you I was fine." He said. You sat him down on the couch and went to grab your first aid kit.
You sat down and started treating the scar.
"You're staying here for the night. There's no way I'm letting you leave." You said. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows hesitating to argue but let it slip. "Thank you."
He placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss.
He pulled away and smiled sweetly as your face turned bright red.
You both went to bed hugging each other to sleep.

The next morning you wake up still in Vox's arms. You got up and he instantly woke up. "Where are you going?" He asked in his rough morning voice. "Getting ready..." You slowly turned your head. "Umhhh...you can get ready later." He pulled you back into bed. He brushed your hair with his fingers as he held you. 6 minutes had passed by and you were still not ready. "Vox I need to get ready, you should too" you said. "Fine..." He got up with you.
You both had no work today so you both stayed home together.

You were in your room, sitting down on your bed with your back against the bed frame  while Vox was downstairs. You get a phone call from your boss again. You groaned and answered it. "Hey, did you get the painting yet?" Your boss asked in an impatient voice. "No, I haven't." You answered. "Are you fucking kidding me? We need it now. Go get it,Now. "
He demanded. "I almost fucking DIED. Give me a break." You complained. "I don't CARE! Go get it now or you can say bye to your deal."
He hung up. After a few minutes of you still in the same position raging in anger, Vox came in. He got on top of you and started kissing your neck. "How are you, Love? " he said still kissing your neck. "Not good. I need to go to work." Your hands slid up from his chest to his
shoulders.He continued kissing your neck for a few more seconds,"V-vox I need to go to work..." You breathed heavily and gripped onto his shoulders.

Your boss started calling again but you both ignored it. He stopped kissing your neck and started making out with you.You put your hand on the back of his head while the other still on his shoulder.

The Bones Of The Abyss-(Vox Akuma) Where stories live. Discover now