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(Y/N) was approached by James Canter (Kelly Canter's Manger) "I want to see you perform, I want you to be Kelly's closing act" James said "Okay" (Y/N) said. She got on stage at the bar and performed her favourite song, the crowd cheered once she was finished. James went up to her "You're hired" James said.

Once (Y/N) was hired she met Kelly, she renuited with her friends Beau and Chiles. They started the tour, (Y/N) was in the van with Beau and Chiles, they drove to Dallas.

(Y/N) was sat in the backstage room, James could tell she was nervous, Kelly went on stage "(Y/N), you're gonna do fine" James said "But what if..." (Y/N) was cut off by James "We'll sort the what if's, if they happen, Kelly will be stood with me so if anything happens we'll be there" James assured her. (Y/N) and James walked to the stage, just as Kelly was finishing up her last song.

(Y/N) stepped on stage, she could feel her legs shaking beneath her, as looked into the crowd. Her nerves only got worse. The music started to play. Kelly and James stood watching on. (Y/N) couldn't sing, she started to feel her legs give out, she collapsed. James ordered the curtain to be lowered, Kelly practically ran on the stage, she knelt infront of (Y/N) "are you okay? Are you hurt?" Kelly asked "I don't know" (Y/N) said "Kelly, take her to the backstage room, I'll deal with everything out here" James said. Kelly helped (Y/N) up on shaky legs and took her off the stage.

The curtain rose.

"Hey everybody, (Y/N) is really sorry about that. She feels like she's dissapointed y'all. This was her first show, we're gonna take real good care of her, hopefully she'll be better for our next show" James said before leaving the stage. He headed for the backstage room, when he was stopped "Does she realise how much money lies on this show" the tour manger said "Yeah, she does. She was scared, she's never performed infront of a crowd that big before, give her a chance" James said.

Once he got to the backstage room, (Y/N) was curled up on the couch, Kelly was comforting her "She's riding with us" James said "Exactly, how are we gonna get her out?" Kelly asked "I'll keep the crowds back, you okay taking her in?" James said "Yeah, sure" Kelly said. (Y/N) walked next to Kelly as they made their way out "I want y'all to take a few steps back, no questions or photos" James said. The crowd listened and silently watched on, (Y/N) and Kelly got on the bus.

Night set in. (Y/N) fell asleep early, she still had the feeling she'd dissapointed, Kelly, James, Beau and Chiles, even her parents who told her to strive for her dreams, thoughts started to creep into her mind, when she had insomia months back, she always carried a bottle of the medicine just incase, Beau knew about this. (Y/N) got up and went into the small bathroom on the bus, she lent against the sink thinking about whether this was a good idea or not, but she wanted to rid herself of this feeling. The bottle says to take one of the tablets, but (Y/N) takes two out of the bottle and swallows them both.

There was a THUD coming from the bathroom, Kelly and Jame awoke, "Where's (Y/N)?" Kelly asked "I thought she was asleep" James said. They both got up, Kelly knocked on the bathroom door "(Y/N), are you in here?" she asked, No reply, James kicks open the door. (Y/N) was completely passed out, Kelly sees the bottle "Beau told me about this, she's taken the sleeping tablets, James get Beau on the phone" Kelly said. James rings up Beau and puts it on speaker phone.

"James, It 2am, What is it?" Beau asked.

"Beau, (Y/N)'s taken the sleeping tablets, How many were in the bottle?" James asked.

"There should be 17 in the bottle" Beau said.

Kelly counted them "There is only 15, How many does she take?" Kelly asked.

"She should only take one, if she's taken two, we've got to get her to hospital now, How's her pulse?" Beau said.

"It's slower than normal" Kelly said.

"She's overdosed, take her to the hospital, we'll follow" Beau said.

James told the driver to head to the nearest hospital as quick as he could. Once they arrived, James took (Y/N) in and Kelly followed, they head to the front desk "Fill in those forms" the receptionist says without looking up "I'm sorry Miss, but this is an emergency" Kelly said, the receptionist looks up "We need a doctor at reception, stat" she said. Soon enough two doctors came rushing in, they take them though to a room "James, wait outside for Beau and Chiles, I'll stay" Kelly said. "What has happend?" The doctor asked "She took two of these sleeping tablets, she should only take one" Kelly said handing over the bottle, The doctor left "Aren't you Kelly Canter?" the other doctor asked "Yes, I am" Kelly replied, "Is this your daughter?" The doctor asked "No, she's not, She's my closing act. We're on tour" Kelly said "Dr Holmes has just gone to find the reversal drug" The doctor said "I'm Dr Diggory. I'm glad you brought her in when you did, Mrs Canter. If you brought her even a minute later she wouldn't survive" Dr Diggory said.

James came in with Beau and Chiles "Is she okay?" Chiles asked "She will be" Dr Holmes said when she entered the room "This will reverse the drug and she will wake up in a few hours, Once she is awake we'll be able to let her go" Dr Holmes said as she injected the liquid.

A few hours later, (Y/N) began to wake up. "Where am I?" (Y/N) asked "(Y/N), your at the hospital" Kelly said "Why?" (Y/N) asked "You overdosed on some sleeping tablets" Beau said. Dr Diggory came in "Nice to see (Y/N) awake, She'll be a drowsy for the rest of the day, but I can let you out. Do you need any assitance in taking her out to the coach?" he asked "No, We'll be fine" James said.

Once the got in the coach (Y/N) fell asleep "I'll cancel tonight's show" James said.

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