Chapter Twenty-Three: A Request from the Champion?!

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[Cerise Park - Inside]

Inside of the Cerise Park. Both Ash and Goh are there.

Ash is training Riolu with Mr. Mime's help.
Goh is training Farfetch'd swinging his leek.

Both Cerise and Cosmo went in, looking for them.

Buddy is in Cosmo's arms.
Beau is on Cosmo's shoulder.
Dexter is on Cosmo's head.

"Ash! Goh!" Cerise called.

"Professor Cerise! Cosmo!" Both Ash and Goh said, seeing them.

"We have presents for the two of you!" Cosmo said.

"A present?" Both Ash and Goh asked.

Cerise shows them the tickets. "Tickets to an official Pokémon World Championships Master Class battle!" He told them.

"You mean one of Mr. Leon's battle?!" Ash asked.

"Exactly!" Cerise said, winking.

"All right!" Ash cheered.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered.

"I'll catch more Galar Pokémon!" Goh said. He looks at Farfetch'd. "Farfetch'd, you come, too!"
Farfetch'd gave him a thumbs-up.

"You two should thank Cosmo for the tickets." Cerise told them. "He was the one who suggested the tickets."

"But Dad's the one who payed for it." Cosmo said, winking.

"Thank you, Cosmo!" Both Ash and Goh thanked him.

"It's all right!" Cosmo said, smiling. "I was going to go there anyway, plus I can meet my friend there!"
"Gible!" Buddy is happy.
"Eevee!" Beau is happy.
"Dreepy." Dexter is happy.

"All right! Our destination is Galar..." Both Ash and Goh said.

"Let's go!" Cosmo, Ash and Goh shouted.
All their Pokémon cheered.


[Galar Region - Wyndon Stadium]

Cosmo went to the Wyndon Stadium without Ash and Goh, since he's there to meet a friend. That and the fact, the two stops for lunch and wanted extras.

Both Ash and Goh were okay with Cosmo going towards the Stadium first.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the world's greatest Pokémon Battle!" The announcer greeted.

Sebastian was sitting at his seat, with Zeph sitting next to him, and a Noibat on his lap.

"Sebastian!" Cosmo called, going down the steps and reaching where his friend is.

"Oh, Cosmo! You made it!" Sebastian said, he stood up.

Both Cosmo and Sebastian high-fived.

"Long time no see!" Cosmo said.
"Yeah! It's been a while." Sebastian said.

Both Cosmo and Sebastian sat at their seats.

"Oh, who's this?" Cosmo asked, seeing the Noibat on Sebastian's lap. He went to grab his Rotom-Phone out.

"This is the new addition to my team, Benny." Sebastian introduced.

Sound Wave Pokémon.
Flying/Dragon type.
After nightfall, they emerge from the caves they nest during the day.
They use their ultrasonic waves to hunt for ripened fruit."
Cosmo's Rotom-Phone informed.

"Nice to meet you, Benny." Cosmo greeted. "I'm Cosmo. These are my Pokémon partners, Buddy, Beau, and Dexter." He introduced.

Buddy, Beau and Dexter are now on the seat, and they greeted Benny.

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"Noi!" Benny greeted back, happily.
"Free!" Zeph sat next to the Pokémon.

"How's Ruby?" Cosmo asked, remembering the Shiny Milcery the Sebastian had caught.

"See for yourself." Sebastian said, he took out Ruby's Luxury Ball. "Come out!" He called.
Ruby appeared, instead of a Milcery her evolution, Alcremie appeared instead.

"Alcremie!" Rose has Strawberry Sweet decoration.

"Wow! She's an Alcremie, now! Amazing!" Cosmo said, amazed.

"I know right?" Sebastian said, smiling.

"The Championships have over 10,000 participants." The announcer said. "Among them, only the eight highest-ranked can enter the Master Class! To show our respect for these eight, we refer them as Masters Eight!" He stated. "Today is a battle between these greats! It's time for the battlers to enter!"

"It's starting!" Cosmo said.

"How exciting!" Sebastian said.

A door from one side opens, and out came Raihan.

"The expert who charged his way into the Master Class right after joining the Championships... Current rank: 7th! He is our very own Galar Region Dragon Gym Leader, Contestant Raihan!"

Raihan waves at the audience as he walks towards his side of the battlefield.

"Eh, so he's the Raihan you were talking about?" Cosmo asked.

"Yeah! Isn't he just so cool?!" Sebastian said, his eyes practically sparkled seeing his idol. "I really want to get an autograph from him!"

Cosmo sweat-drops a bit. "You like him a lot, huh?" He said, laughing a bit.

Sebastian nodded.

"And who else would his opponent be? Born and bred in Galar, never having experienced a single defeat... This ultimate Trainer continues to extend his flawless winning streak! Ranked 1st in the Pokémon World Championships! Galar's very own superstar: Contestant Leon!"

Leon walks out from the other side, greeting some of the audience, and reached his side of the battlefield.

"It's Leon! He's so cool!" Cosmo said, practically fanboying.

Sebastian laughs a bit. "You seem to like him a whole lot! You have a crush on him?" He asked, grinning.

Cosmo blushes and looks away. "D-Don't get the wrong idea, I get admired him, that's all!" He stated.

"Right...!" Sebastian said, he smirks a bit, not believing what Cosmo said.

"You may use one Pokémon each!" Dan told both Leon and Raihan.

Both Leon and Raihan nodded.

"The reason I signed up for the Championships was to put your undefeated legend to an end!" Raihan told Leon.

"I'm honored." Leon said. "You should enjoy the tense, still air on the battlefield and the cheering and yelling from the audience, too!" He turns around and told Raihan.

"No, this won't be the kind of flashy match that'll get the audiences fired up." Raihan said, walking towards his side. "They've got a severe battle in store!"

"That's great! I'll enjoy this to the fullest." Leon said.

Both Leon and Raihan reached their side, and prepares to call out their Pokémon.

"Both sides, bring forth your Pokémon!" Dan called.

"Go!" Raihan shouted.
"Go forth!" Leon shouted.
They both threw their Pokéballs into the air.

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