The morning rush

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"Wake up Jaxs you don't want to be late for school. "
papa called bursting into my room. "Two more minutes please. " I begged
"You can't get up now. " Hizashi said sternly
"Fine." I said rolling out of bed. Today is my first day of UA High school and I'm not very scared. I thought I had a strong and powerful quirk so I didn't think I'd have much to worry about. I walked over to the bathroom across the hallway from my room and brushed my teeth and washed my face and put my hair up in a ponytail and went back to my room. I put on my school uniform and ran down stairs for breakfast.

When I get down stairs I already see Eri and Hitoshi eating cereal. I walk over to my dad and papa and kiss them on there cheek's.
"Morning papa morning dad. "
"Good morning Jaxs sweetheart. " Hizashi and Shota say in unison.
I grab a bowl and a spoon and sit down next to Hitoshi and pour some milk and cereal into the bowl.
"Good morning you two. "
"Good morning sis." Eri says in an excited voice. I thought she would be scared today but I guess not. Today is Eri's first day of second grade so I thought she would be terrified but then again she has been though worst things than that so this isn't going to be really bad.

"Hi Jaxs." Hitoshi says in a deep voice. He's always done that since I can remember but I've learned to tolerate it. He's not being ignorant just tired.
"Ate you two ready for school? " papa says
"You can say that." me and Hitoshi say together. For me it's not going to be hard I've always been at UA since I was adopted by dad and papa. I was adopted three years after Hitoshi so I am a year younger than him but it's cool we don't bump heads to often. But it's fine for Hitoshi because he started last year.

"Okay hurry up eating guys, we have ten minutes until we babe to go."
"Okay." me, Eri, and, Hitoshi say. We all get in the car drop Eri off to school and then off to UA. Now this is the part where I get scared. I am only friend's with one kid in my class but that's because that's Hitoshi's boyfriend.

We arrive at the school and we all walk in the doors. It feels so good to be back at UA. My dad is my teacher so It's going to be wired to call him Aizawa-sensi but I'll get used to it. We all walk in the hallway together. Dad and papa are talking to eachother, Hitoshi is looking around for Denki and I'm on my phone not paying attention to were I'm walking until I run into someone.

Please keep reading when I publish them and sorry for bad spelling

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