Introduction - Ask Questions Here!

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Hello, my dearest readers.

I started writing on Wattpad in 2014. I wrote my first book for NaNoWriMo in 2013. (It was about a girl with wings who attended a boarding school for supernatural kids, a total rip off from Maximum Ride and X-Men.) After that I wrote Seize the Day, which follows an introverted teenager who must save the Crown Prince — and her world — from the darkness that threatens everything she loves. Seize the Day won the 2014 Wattys Instant Addiction Award, spinning thousands of readers my way unexpectedly.

That success led to my writing two more books in the Seize the Day series -- Chains of Fate and Path to Destiny. During the years I wrote this trilogy, I did two CRAZY things:

1. I majored in English for my undergraduate degree!

2. I got my Master's in Creative Writing & Publishing because I'm desperately in love with writing and what it can do for the world.

During all this time, I tutored college students in English (and taught English as well during grad school).

Wattpad is the reason I am the writer I am today. My beloved readers have provided constant support and enthusiasm for my writing that kept me going through terrible times when I was at some of the darkest points in my life. Wattpad was my sanctuary for when I felt alone or sad or angry, and coming back to this community that we built together around Seize the Day made me feel like I was doing something special. It made me feel like I was a writer.

And I am a writer.

And if you've written a single word in your life, YOU are a writer too.

That's why I'm writing this book for you.

So please ask me questions below that you've been wondering — whether that's about writing, the writing life, my books, Wattpad, and more! I'll dedicate chapters to exploring some questions in depth.

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