Chapter 78

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thanks for sticking by whilst i struggled with no wifi and sickness aha

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thanks for sticking by whilst i struggled with no wifi and sickness aha. hopefully this chapter makes up for yet another wait.

as always, don't forget to leave your comments throughout! i'll be replying to as many as humanly possible. oh, and maybe leave cheeky vote if you enjoyed (or even if you didn't, just please give me attention).


Sof was kind enough to drive me to the airport, and then waited with me up until the moment where I had to go through security. With a tight hug and promise that we'll see each other again soon enough, we bud our goodbyes and I was on my way back home. The flight was quite busy, with a fair few people having attended the Belgian Grand Prix. I was willing to sign anything people wanted me to, as well as taking as many photographs as I could before taking my seat in first class. Knowing my fans were supportive even after a tough result made my heart swell with warmth. No matter what, I can always trust that they'll have my back. The Archer Arrows were the best fan base in the world in my completely and utterly unbiased opinion.

I had another Verstappen waiting for me when my plane touched down. In his hands, he held a well decorated sign with my name on it. As if I would've missed him anyway, he's the only person I know who would've wore his Red Bull shirt and signature shorts to a crowded airport, risking being bombarded by his supporters. That, and he had the biggest, goofiest grin at the fact his sign was at least twice the size of all the others around him. The background was white with splotches of pink glitter randomly around the large, blue bubble writing. In the corner we're to small black patches, which, as I got closer to greet him, I realised were paw prints. Only he would dip our pets' feet in paint to put on a sign. I was only away from him for less than twenty-four hours. This man...

"Schatje!" he cheerfully greeted, his arms swapping tightly around my body. I flinched at the ache in my bruises but hugged him back with a laugh. My suitcase, which I had been wheeling behind me, tipped over from the force at which I was forced to let go. "God, I've missed you."

"It's been less than a day," I pointed out. I pressed a long kiss to his lips, "but I missed you, too."

"Murray has been good as gold, but Lemon is a menace. I think she missed you as much as I did."

I couldn't help my wide smile. "Yeah, she prefers me to you because I saved her life. You? You're just someone who feeds her and lives in her space."

Max pulled his lips to the side and then opened his mouth as if to protest, but quickly closed it. "Okay, that's probably true."

"I'm always right," I joked with a shrug of my shoulders. "So, you said you made plans for lunch?"

It was as if Max had just remembered that he had text me before my flight. Since I didn't have to be at work until the afternoon and it was only eleven, we had some time to kill. We don't get many lunches together during the work week because of our clashing schedules. We've been quite lucky recently. It certainly helps that we have good positions in the championship or else we'd be having to do overtime. "Yes I did. Kudz messaged me last night and was asking if we could all meet up. So it'll be us two, and then her and Esteban, but only if you're feeling up for it. I doubt the flight helped your injuries much."

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