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Okay, before we begin, I just wanted to say something. So, I started to write this book sometime last year, and kinda forgot about it. I got in like five chapters and stopped writing for months. Then I remembered it and realized I messed up a few things.

Like the dates are kinda all over the place. With the originals leaving New Orleans and all that. I did not look up the date when I first started this book, so that's why it might seem out of place in the beginning of the story and towards the end.

It's hard to explain without spoiling, so my advice would be to mainly focus on what happens after like chapter 6 because that's when the story stays constant. I would just change it in the beginning, but then I would have to change most of the chapters that took a long time to write.

But if you are confused with the timelines, it's because I made some mistakes. This story is not going to be really perfectly lined up with the TVD and The Originals timeline because of the fact as well.

Secondly, I forgot about some of these plots I made at the beginning so if you are confused about the plot holes, that is why. Just know after chapter 6, the story stays constant.

And lastly, the beginning of this story is like mad cringey, so please don't mind it. I began writing this story as a joke, but then I actually thought it could turn into something really good. And I am aware that in this story, I talk like I am a twelve-year-old but trust me my grammar is so much better than this.

Okay, that's all. Now you can read. :)


So, where to start?

Well, I have been alive for a pretty decent amount of time. I have seen empires rise. I have seen empires fall. I have witnessed many deaths in my "life". Many of those deaths were caused by people who I share the same blood with. While others were caused by the incompetent thing you call humans. My family has tried to make friends with the humans but that did not really turn out that well.

Anywhere we went, humans would carry this extreme amount of hatred for them. Eventually, they grew tired and decided if they were going to be seen as the bad guy, they might as well act like it. Which goes back to the many deaths I have witnessed.

But me? I decided a long time ago humans were not worth wasting your breath for. The minute you do something out of the ordinary, they will treat you like a pest. So, like my siblings, I grew a hatred for humans. Though unlike my siblings, I never killed.

I guess it makes sense. It's sort of in my sibling's nature to kill. Some of my siblings learn to control the urge, while my others embraced it. Now me on the other hand? Well let's just say I'm not like my siblings. I almost was though, but that's a story for another day. No, this story is about how much family is important and how you should never abandon them.

Though considering how found my family members are of each other, not to even mention how many times we tried to kill each other or abandoned each other...... we will not get to that lesson till the very end. So, hold on, because this is going to be a long ride.

Oh, and before I forget. 'Always and Forever'? Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit.

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