Chapter 34: Meeting Alexei

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After leaving Kline's place, Jim, Amelia, Joyce and Theo all take off towards all the lands that have been bought by Starcourt. The sun was going down fast, and time was running out. Jim knew it was a matter of time before Kline's wife would find him and free him so he can alert the thugs at Starcourt about the three of them. So far, they've hit two lands and no clue at all. Jim managed to break the lock and boards of one of the houses left abandoned. Amelia shines her light as she roams the basement. Joyce took the first floor while Jim scanned upstairs.

Meow...Theo hops on Amelia's shoulder as he scouts with her. Neither of them could sense anything in the house or the property.

Jim comes stomping down the steps, meeting Joyce at the bottom, "Anything?"

Jim shakes his head, "No."

Amelia walks up the stairs and sighs as she meets them both, "Nothing."

"Not even...a feeling?" Joyce asks.

Amelia shakes her head, "Nope. Not even a tick."

"This place is dead." Jim scoffs and they all head back towards the truck. He grunts as he gets into the driver's side, "All right, where to next?"

Amelia looks over her shoulder as Joyce scratches out another property and looks at the next one.

"Hess Farm."

Amelia sighs and leans on the door, rubbing her tired eyes. She was exhausted. After taking care of Jim after he got hurt, now on the hunt for the mystery of Starcourt. Lately, it's always rare for her to have a decent night's sleep. Ever since the nightmares started. But having Jim next to her helped so much. But...what if one day he won't be enough? What if...she'll lose him? After losing so many people over the years...after so much death...she was always afraid to get close to anyone. But Jim...her heart can't help it. Fate couldn't stop.

Closing her eyes for a minute, Amelia slowly falls into her dreams once again. Flashes of red lighting in the sky filled her mind. The screeching of many creatures echoed around her. A door...with stained glass slowly opened in front of her. And the darkness began to swallow her whole.


Amelia gasps softly and snaps her eyes open as she flinches. Waking herself up and escaping the nightmare. She sighs softly and sits up. Jim looks over to her in worry, focusing both on her and the road. He reaches over and takes her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

Soon, they made it to Hess' farm and once they pulled up down the gravel road, they could a delivery truck parked in the front with big, red letters that said Lynx.

"Looks like somebody's home." Jim says as he parks his truck.

A dark feeling begins to take over Amelia's soul. Like a cold hand gripping her heart in a tight grip.

Amelia places her hand on her chest as Jim stops the truck, he looks over her with a worried frown.

"What is it?" He asks.

Amelia looks at him and Joyce, "It's really wrong here." She gives them both a look of dread.

Joyce and Jim shared a worried look and begin to get out of the truck. Theo meows as he follows Amelia, hopping out of the truck. Jim walks up towards the door and manages to open the door with ease. The hinge creaks loudly as he slowly pushes the door open, holding his gun up and flashlight, ready for anything.

"Stay behind me." He whispers.

They all carefully walked through the house, it seemed empty, but suddenly, a low, pulsing sound was made in the air.

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