The Ending

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Shinsuke entered Onigiri Miya into a burst of confetti and colorful decorations. He opened his eyes to see Aran holding a giant cake, Gin with the party popper, and Osamu and Sunarin placing food on the table.

The tables were all pushed towards the wall, sans one that stood right in the middle, in front of a banner that read "Happy Birthday Shinsuke!" with his friends standing in front of it, holding balloons and party poppers, behind said table that had a giant cake with candles on it.

"Happy 26th Shin!" Aran said, placing a strong arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks fer coming, Aran." Shinsuke looked up at his oldest friend. He missed them walking home together every day after practice and the uncanny comments on him that Aran would leave. Whether it's about emotions or habits, Aran would always provide an alternate point of view that Shinsuke otherwise lacked.

"Happy Birthday Kita-san!" Rintaro walked up behind him and pulled him into a half-hug, taking a selfie.
"Well, let's cut the cake before everything starts ta melt. Gin put a million candles in here," said Osamu, pulling out a knife.
"Well pardon me fer wanting the photos ta have good lightin'." Gin protested.

Shinsuke stood behind the table and picked up the knife. Rintaro pulled up his camera to record, and Osamu called Atsumu and placed his phone so that Atsumu and Kiyoomi could watch them.

"Kita-san!" Atsumu cried out as soon as the call connected.
"Oye, it's my phone ya know."
"Shut up Samu, yer not important now!"
"'Tsumu, don't speak ta yer brother like that."
"Sorry Kita-san! Happy Birthday Kita-san! Omi! Come say Happy birthday ta Kita-san!"

Atsumu's boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi appeared beside him on the screen.

"Happy Birthday Kita-san."
"Thank ya Atsumu. Thank ya Kiyoomi-kun."
"Ya two are missin' the cake," Aran spoke to the boys in Osaka. "We got this specially ordered from the new bakery that opened up in town."
"Noooo I wanted to try that place first!" The blond twin whined.

Shinsuke cut the cake, with his friends' off-tune singing in the background. He was lucky to be the only one who didn't have to worry about getting caked on his birthday, but he did almost get diabetes every time.

The younger three started fighting over who should feed Shinsuke the cake first, and Aran took the opportunity to do so.

After feasting on the cake, the group proceeded to munch on the assortment of onigiri, maki rolls, and sushi Osamu prepared with Suna's help. They then moved on to the gift opening.

Gin gifted him a new microphone while Osamu and Suna gave him a new camera with backlights. Aran seemed to be the only one who remembered the farm and bought him a few new sun hats.
"One ta match each of yer outfits!"

"Oh, I almost forgot about this one!" Osamu said, bringing out an enormous cardboard box and placing it with a loud thud on the table that Gin and Suna hastily cleared.

Is this...

"Deja vu, huh Kita-san?"
"Ya." Kita chuckled.
"Well, open it up!" Aran said excitedly.

The contents were as Shinsuke and Osamu expected, except twice as much. Instead of one giant box of Wagashi, there were two big boxes (half the size of the giant one) on top of a giant one.
One of the smaller boxes had a paper on it that read 'for Baa-chan' and the other had one reading 'for Naoto'
The giant box's paper read 'for everyone else.

"Wait, is that Nakiri???" Suna exclaimed as soon as the logo came into view.
"Ya," Osamu confirmed. "She sent this huge box when she got promoted too."
"You mean this," Suna pointed at the giant box, "box? The biggest one they have?"

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