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"Don't look at me like that," Asahi said when he noticed that Jaehyuk has been staring at his face for quite a while.

"Someone told me to look at you properly," Jaehyuk said.

"You has been looking at me properly, Jaehyuk-ah," Asahi said. 

Asahi still didn't dare to turned at Jaehyuk. He don't think that he can even look at Jaehyuk right into his eyes.

They have been 'friends' for a little more than a week. And Asahi noticed that Jaehyuk has been really sweet to him.

Asahi know that Jaehyuk always acted sweet to his friends. But this change is still too new to Asahi. From Jaehyuk always avoided to even glanced at him to now, keep on staring at Asahi, sweetly.

"I didn't know that you wear glasses," Jaehyuk said.

"I have a bad eyesight. I need one," Asahi replied.

"I didn't noticed that you ever wore one before," Jaehyuk said. "Maybe because I didn't actually look at you properly,"

"It's not that. I got my first glasses in 7th grade. And it's quite a drag since I always play soccer so I mostly wore lenses," Asahi said.

"I'm so stupid for disliking this sweet and adorable person," Jaehyuk said while caressing Asahi's hair.

"Yeah. Yeah," Asahi tried to act more naturally when he actually really flustered by Jaehyuk's action.

Asahi really need to get use to this side of Jaehyuk. Like seriously.

"Ah! You guys are here," Jeonghan said as he walked into the room.

"Jeonghan hyung!" Jaehyuk said.

"Yes. It's me," Jeonghan said. "How's your progress?"

"He didn't even do anything," Asahi said while pointing at Jaehyuk.

"I did something, okay," Jaehyuk said.

"And what is it?" Asahi asked.

"Trying to get some inspiration by looking at something really beautiful," Jaehyuk grinned.

Asahi rolled his eyes at Jaehyuk with still emotionless. But his heart pounding so fast and loud.

"What about you, Asahi?" Jeonghan asked. Asahi showed Jeonghan what he has been working on and explained it a bit. "Oh? That's really creative. No wonder Ming Hao really like your works,"

"I know right? He's born artistic," Jaehyuk said. "Even his face looked like a sculpture,"

"Stop it, Yoon Jaehyuk," Asahi said.

He tried his best not to smile or to react to Jaehyuk's remark. But his body can't cooperate with him. His ears and cheeks flushed a bit.

Jaehyuk smiled seeing Asahi's reaction. He touched Asahi's ear.

"Cute," he said.

"Um.. Can you guys stop flirting in front of me?" Jeonghan asked. "Ugh. Suddenly I missed my Cheol,"

Asahi quickly pushed Jaehyuk's hand away. Jaehyuk just giggled.

"Sorry," Asahi said.

"Anyway. I think we can go with this. We'll have a meeting with the rest of the design team and make some improvement on this. I think this will work very well," Jeonghan said.

"Okay," Asahi said.

"Do you guys have any class after this?" Jeonghan asked.

"We have mathematics in 20 minutes," Jaehyuk said.

"Alright. I'll leave first. I'll inform in the group chat if there's anything else," Jeonghan said before walked out from that room.

As soon as Jeonghan closed the door, Jaehyuk hugged Asahi's hand and put his head on Asahi's shoulder.

"Why are you being this clingy?" Asahi asked.

"I'm always like this with my friends," Jaehyuk answered.

"Really?" Asahi asked. Is he really this clingy to Jihoon, Junkyu, Jeongwoo and Jeonghan as well?

Even though Asahi has been watching Jaehyuk, probably Jaehyuk didn't show this side of him when Asahi's around before. And it kind of make Asahi a bit upset.

"I'm going to act like this too so you better get used to it if you wanna be my friend," Jaehyuk said. Still hugging Asahi's arm.

"Alright. Alright," Asahi brushed Jaehyuk's hair with his other hand.

"Wake me up in 10 minutes," Jaehyuk said.

"You're going to sleep?" Asahi asked.

"Hmm," Jaehyuk hummed. He already closed his eyes with his head still on Asahi's shoulder.

"Okay," Asahi whispered. It make Jaehyuk smiled.

"Cute," Jaehyuk whispered back with his eyes still closed.

Asahi shut his eyes in excitement hearing Jaehyuk's words. Since Jaehyuk didn't look at him, Asahi let out his emotion shown on his face.

He's always like that. Asahi always struggling to show his emotion because he afraid if any of his expression will be misunderstood or hurt anyone.

And yes. Jaehyuk not the only reason why he had this mindset. Back then in Japan, he always showed how he felt.

But he found out that there's one time, when he tried to smile to his friend, one of their friends thought that Asahi was making fun of him. And it turned out that his friend just got scolded by their teacher for his mistake but Asahi didn't know about it.

There's still some occasions that people around him misunderstood him. And when he just arrived here, he tried to smile at Jaehyuk. But right after that, Jaehyuk clearly showed that he disliked Asahi.

Asahi told this to Jaehyuk before and he kept on apologizing to Asahi for doing that.

Jaehyuk also told him that he dislike Asahi just for some dumb reasons. Because as soon as Asahi transfered here, the attentions that were always on Jaehyuk suddenly need to be shared with Asahi.

Jaehyuk knew it well that it's so childish and dumb. But somehow, he still got his ego. And he keep on showing that he disliking Asahi even though Asahi didn't even bother him.

"Jaejae," Asahi poked Jaehyuk's cheek.

"Hm," Jaehyuk hummed. Still not letting Asahi's arm go or even lift his head from Asahi's shoulder.

"It's already 10 minutes. We have as class after this," Asahi said softly.

Jaehyuk didn't really sleeping. He was just closing his eyes.

"Five minutes," Jaehyuk said.

"No can do. Wake up now or we'll be late," Asahi said.

Jaehyuk let go of Asahi's arm and sit up straight. He glared at Asahi.

"I can't imagine how Jihoon, Junkyu, Jeongwoo and Junghwan have been keeping up with you since elementary school," Asahi said.

"Why? You regretted being friend with me?" Jaehyuk asked.

"No," Asahi fixed Jaehyuk's hairs. "It's cute. I just didn't expect that you're like this. That's all,"

Asahi then smiled at Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk a bit stunned because Asahi smiled at him brightly that his dimples appeared on his cheek.

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