Tommy De Leon

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8:33 pm

Death-Cast did not Tommy De Leon because he wasn't dying today, but two out of the three strangers--not more than eighteen--were called a while ago. He believed it was just more than a coincidence that the triad of strangers walking down the street and whom he offered a ride was mainly Deckers. It was insane to think about, and it became a constant thought in his head as he drove off. 

"Do you think that one of us is going to die?" he asked Cal, his boyfriend.

"What?" Cal faced him with a grim look on his face. "Just because we took in two kids who are going to die tonight? No."

He only took a deep breath. 

Cal put a hand on Tom's lap. "Listen, we already talked about this. You need to stop overthinking these kinds of things. You might as well jinx it. You don't want to die, do you?"


"And you don't want me to die, right?"


"Exactly. So stop thinking about it." He smiled. "We're gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine."

Tom nodded to himself and took a deep breath. "Yeah. It's gonna be fine."

"Good." He relaxed in his seat. "Now, what do you think of their story? Think it makes for a good book?"

He loosened his shoulders. "On its own? Nope. But it still makes for a good story. I might post it in CountDowners if I have the time."

"Okay. . .how about that--"

"Shh! Top secret! Someone could be listening."

Cal raised an eyebrow. "No, there is no one there. Here you go again, with your shenanigans!" he complained in an endearing way. "What are you really up to. huh?"

They continued laughing and teasing each other in between, filling the silence and expelling the gloomy mood. What was there to be not excited about? He had a cute boyfriend and they were about to move to Canada together and start a new and better life. 

But in the back of his mind, he was still with Matt and Russell, and Sasha. He hoped that wherever they were, they would be okay. 

Even in death. 

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