Chapter 1: Take Me Back

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loading... playing The Night We Met : by Lord Hurson...

It was like yesterday to Steve. A memory that no matter how hard he tried not to think about, it always came back. This memory wasn't bad however. It was actually one of his favorite memories that made him smile like a goofy little kid. That being said, what made Steve wanna forget this memory was because of who was in it. Billy Hargrove. Who would've thought? This night was nothing like Steve thought it was gonna be.

On this night, Steve had decided to take Dustin to the snowball dance he was going to. Harrington had given his small friend a little pep talk to hype him up before then sending him off inside.

Steve then had found himself looking at Nancy. The brunette looked happy. She was smiling and giggling at something someone had said to her. Steve didn't get much time to think about this however, since next thing he knew someone honked at him from behind. He then looked up into his review mirror just to see Billy fucking Hargrove.

The only response he could muster was rolling his eyes as he then pulled up and decided to park in the parking of the gym since it didn't make a whole lot of sense to him to go home, only to then return to pick up Dustin.

The brunette being noisy watched as Billy let his little sister out of the car. Not much seeming to be spoken between the two.

He expected Billy to drive off once the female made it inside but instead Billy pulled into the parking lot as well, parking only a few spots away from Steve.

Steve didn't understand this guy. If he was in his shoes, he would've left when seeing the other on the spot. Or was he looking to pick another fight? He hoped not. Steve still had a busted lip and black eye from that night, everything else had healed up to the point were it wasn't very noticeable. The busted lip and black eye just ended up being his signature look I suppose.

"Fucking hell!" A loud shout could be heard from Billy car as he aggressively punched at his dashboard. "Fucking piece of shit!" He shouts again on his way out of his car. Slamming the door shut behind him as he leaned against it instead. A cigarette finding itself between his lips as he angrily tries lighting it but to no avail.

Steve kinda just watched this happen. He wasn't surprised these small things were pissing him off, nor was he surprised that he was outwardly showing his emotions either. Despite this, Steve had this weird gut feeling, one that made him wanna throw up. He thought about offering the other his lighter. Wouldn't that be weird? They hate each other. Plus, it would imply that Steve was watching him, which he most certainly didn't want the other thinking.

"This fucking heater and lighter are bullshit.." he grumbles out in a loud tone. Not yelling so much anymore, but speaking loud enough that others could hear. Steve most definitely could hear. Even from the closer of his car.

This feeling Steve couldn't shake however. He hated that he felt this way towards him. Having compassion for Billy was beyond him, but yet here he was, feeling bad that Billy was stuck out in the cold and without a smoke. He could easily tell Billy was cold by the way he gripped his arms, even with his brown leather jacket on, the same one he wore the night of their fight. His cigarette still between his lips even though it wasn't lit. Instead he seemed to just angrily bite down on the end of his cigarette that was in his mouth.

Steve then, despite what he had thought of  being the worse decision ever he rolled down his window. "You good man?" He questions. He figured it might be best to start a simple conversation before he started all this compassion and, kind shit with the other.

"Like hell.." is the only thing he says back to the brunette in the car. Despite the response, Steve turned his head and got something out of his dashboard, only to hold it in front of his face so the blond could see. "Need a lighter?" Steve asks, even though he obviously knew the answer was yes.

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