Water Reflections

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Angel's POV-

After catching our breaths, River hops up and looks down at me laying on the blanket. "Do you want to go for a swim before the sun sets?" He asks, holding his hand out to me.

I look at the sun, sinking lower down in the sky. "Holy shit!" I exclaim, "What time is it?"

River crouches down and reaches into his shorts that were now strewn about on the grass. Tapping the screen, he checks the time. "It's about 5." He says, standing back up.

I reach up towards him, he grabs my hand and pulls me up. "We should probably go in a little bit, before it gets dark." He says, his eyes twinkling.

"Okay." I say, "Before I say yes to the swim, I want to check how cold the water is."

River nods and gives me a mischevious grin before leading the way to the edge of the lake. "Don't even think about pushing me in!" I call out to him and all I get in response is an evil chuckle from him.

I look down at my beautiful ring and admire it on my finger before slipping it off and putting it on the top of the picnic basket. "I put my ring ontop of the basket." I say as I walk over to River who has already started making his way out into the water. At my comment he pauses and lifts his hand out of the water.

"Can you put mine on there?" He asks, reaching his hands out but not moving towards the edge of the water.

"Only if you walk over here and not make me get in the water." I giggle, reaching out as far as I can but unable to touch his hand. 

River chuckles and the mischevious grin returns to his face, slowly making his way up towards me. I lower my hand and start inching back as he gets closer and closer. I think I know what he's thinking, throwing me in the water, but I refuse to let him! River gets to the edge of the water and I continue to back up so that I am about half way between him and the basket. 

He chuckles again, "I might as well put my ring on the basket myself with you so far." He fakes a pout.

"I know you're trying to trick me so that when I get close you will just throw me in!" I cry, narrowing my eyes, but my smile gives me away.

"Me!" He exlaims in fake suprise, putting his hand on his chest, "I would never do such a thing."

I giggle, not believing a word that he's saying. Finally, River gets up and walks out of the water stalking towards me. The first few steps being slow like a cat stalking its prey, but as soon as he was in arms reach, he strectched out his arms grabbing my waist.

"River! No!" I scream, laughing in fear of the cold water.

River didn't listen and instead hoisted me up and over his shoulder, walking closer and closer to the water's edge. 

At this, I start begging, "Please River, you love me and you wouldn't do this would you? You wouldn't be so heartless as to throw sweet, little me into the cold water, would you?"

My body feels the vibration of his chest as he lets out a booming laugh. "Hold your breath!" He yells between laughs and breaths.

I only got a second to reach up and plug my nose before River's body disappears from under me and I am flying through the air. I keep holding my nose as my descent starts to speed up and after a milisecond I am plunged into the freezing winter water.

Chilled to the bone, it takes a minute for my body to come out of shock and start clawing up to the surface. Breaking the surface I gasp for air, my eyes immediatly landing on River, still laughing, and I give him one of my best glare that would've made any mother proud. Noticing my glare, he starts slowing down his laughter, still grinning.

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