Roses pov :
" the class of 2022 have now finished, I wish all of you the very best in life and hope you all get what you wish to accomplish." The echoing sound of my head teacher's voice rang threw the microphone. My eyes become damp as the realization hits me that this is the last time where all going to be in one room together even though I hate half the people in here I think I'm still going to miss them I have spent +5 years with the majority of them and now it is time to say goodbye as I become my own being and go of to Harvard . I actually can't believe I got in , im very excited but I'm also very nervous to which I don't understand I have never got anxious before in my life , it is as if my body is trying to tell me something but to once again I don't know what. My two best friends also got in princess and Ella we are going to all chip in and buy a little apartment we have already payed for the first three months of it . My parents offered to help but as I am starting a new chapter in my life I have decided to try my best and get threw things without any help . While we were looking at properties to rent I stumbled upon a little cafe which is a block or two away from our new home and applied for a job there , the cafe is owned by a old couple whom are very kind they gave me the job two days after I had been in , it pays $10 an hour which is pretty good . The old couple understand that I am in university and where willing to work round my schedule which is very good.I walked out of the hall with my arms linked with Ella and princess our hats calmly swaying in the evening wind my silky brown hair flowing down my back "well we made it out of high school alive bitches" hollered Ella which made me laugh so hard I thought I would wee myself.

The adventure
AdventureRose lilley has always had a good life, she lived in the Suburbs in a beautiful,cream coloured house,which houses her mother and father ,two older brothers ,herself and her little sister ,which is a year younger than her.For as long as she has rem...