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Okay so this was a request my first request not sure if they want credit for this idea but if so just leave a comment and I'll be sure to come back and tag you. So basically this is a classification AU as in regression and pet-space. classifications are as follows: Little, Neutral, Caregiver, Pet, Switch(someone who can be both caregiver and regresor/pet) now that the explanation is out of the way I hope this is as good as the requestor was hoping it'd be also sorry this took so long my brain only lets me have 15-30 mins a week free of writers' block and then the b!tch comes back like "ha you thought you was gonna finish that chapter well think again cuz b!tch i'm back"

Enji Todoroki a brave and fearless hero, someone who everyone thought to be a neutral. What if he wasn't a neutral? What if he was a little? "What...? no..." Enji whispered shaking upon reading  the classification document and a booklet about said classification. How could he be a hero with a classification such as this one. He burned both the booklet and the document, furiously shaking his head "nobody has to know" he whispered in an attempt to calm himself. He had to hide this or else he might never get to be the best hero and so that's just what he did. Everyday when he came home he locked himself in his room and then just to be extra safe hid in his closet. His family knew to stay away from his room unless they knocked or it was an emergency and so far they've never even once gone into his room without knocking, something he's thankful for. He was never really sure why but he always struggled to make it to the bathroom on time and doctors would always brush it off as a side effect of his quirk. But lately he's been thinking that his quirk might have nothing to do with his bathroom troubles.

The LOV have always prided themselves on respecting the privacy of others but not everyone thinks that way. Gran Torino for example, was one that believed those who kept things private were liars and dirty no-good criminals, which is why he decided to make sure that people knew the truth about certain heroes who wore diapers and played with dolls.  He also believed that those adults who wore diapers and played with dolls were mentally unstable and shouldn't be heroes at all. He would always go around telling others what his classification is, flaunting the fact that he isn't a "crybaby" as he put it.

Though every hero had their own opinions about classification and such nobody was more outspoken about it than he was. Enji's not the only little hero, nor is he the only one who's hidden his status from the public. There were few heroes that didn't hide their status as littles knowing the scrutiny they would face if they didn't. The most well known example of this being a former hero by the name of Death Arms who was forced to retire after the Paranormal Liberation War due to the public's' questioning of if he could really protect them because of his status as a little being leaked to the public. He had saved countless lives over the years only to have his strength questioned and his every move criticized, it was scary how even the best of heroes could be cast aside for something they had no control over. 

But what was even scarier was that now the public is pushing for a ban on little heroes in order to protect the public, calling them mentally unstable and unable to protect them. And most of their fears were spurred on by Gran Torino and a few others like him. They used the citizen's fear to turn them against those classified as age-regressors.

Enji shivered as he heard the reporter's all to cheery voice saying those words. The words that could change everything; he might be discovered as being a little and then everything would be ruined. He prayed that his secret would still remain a secret. He shook his head as he felt himself starting to slip 'not now' he chided himself, he couldn't regress now it was almost time for breakfast and then he'd have to go to work, there wouldn't be any time to regress this morning. 

*time skip to that afternoon brought to you by my lack of creativity*

Enji groaned as he picked up his phone, he was hoping he could just watch some disney in his closet but apparently not. 'Nope no regressing today' he thought annoyed. He answered the phone hearing the panicked voice of his youngest son exclaiming "Turn on the news now!!!" He tilted his head in thought before turning it on only to hear "A document was sent in to us earlier this morning containing the classifications of some heroes and it appears the only heroes listed in these documents are ones classified as littles..." she then went on to name every hero that was classified as a little saying his name last. He started crying regressing to a smaller age than usual being only about a few months old. He sobbed holding his only stuffie close to him and sucking on its ear covering it in slobber. After what felt like an eternity he heard a voice say "hey it's gonna be okay now i'm here" He jumped at the unexpected noise turning his head in the direction of the voice seeing that it was none other than Toshinori(all might). "Nori go way'" he mumbled trying his best to speak in his big boy voice but struggling. "it's okay to be little" he said gently wiping the tears off the others face. He only received a small hum from the other. "You're much too little to be wearing that where's your little stuff?" He questioned. Enji just pointed to the stuffed rabbit he was holding shaking his head when asked if he had any other little items. After Toshinori helped the little take off his hero gear and get into some more comfortable clothes he decided that they'd go shopping for little gear as the little one didn't have any. He didn't want to stress the little out too much by going outside especially considering the recent news broadcast so, he grabbed his phone and began looking for little items online. He got bottles and pacifiers in varying shades of red, orange and yellow along with some cute animal onesies and pull-ups. He ordered everything using Enji's credit card and making sure to get next day delivery. In the meantime he gave the little some juice in a plastic cup with a straw and some apple slices turning on Moana for him to watch.

*time skip to the next day brought to you by Doofenshmert's evil incorporated*
(probably spelled his name wrong but oh well)

He was awoken at the rather early hour of 5 in the morning by his phone ringing loudly. He answered the phone only to be greeted by a rather pissed off man. "What do you want" Enji said annoyed and tired. "We see you bought baby stuff and why might that be?""How do you know I bought that stuff?" Enji said agitated by his call.  "the hero agency looks out for all its heroes and speaking of I saw the news yesterday and I didn't think it could be true  I mean you're the number one hero after all but this just confirms it" the man on the other end said tactfully avoiding the question. Enji by this point was having none of it growling out "my private life isn't your business so keep your nosey ass out of it" "I'm sorry but this is for the greater good" the man said sounding almost disappointed. "greater good my ass i've done more good with my pinkie finger then you nosey assholes have ever done" he grumbled out rage taking over. "Listen this is a serious issue and the chairman wants to speak to you in person" he said before hanging up most likely ending the call to avoid the wrath of the raging hero.

Enji sighed falling back onto his bed and covering his face in shame as tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that this day had come. If only he could rewind time back to when nobody knew but alas he couldn't. He laid there for what felt like hours crying into his sheets, rocking himself back and forth feeling sorry for himself. He felt a hand on his shoulder and felt a loud gasp come from his side. He looked up to see his daughter Fuyumi staring at him with wide eyes. She had never seen him cry before and was bewildered by the sight of her big strong father crying his eyes out. "Father I heard the news I came by today to make sure things were okay but I guess they're not" she mumbled teary eyed. "I'm sorry Fuyumi... I d-didn't think this would ever happen" he apologized wiping the tears off her face as well as his own. She gave her father a tight hug for the first time in awhile.

They sat there in a comfortable silence holding onto each other until Enji mumbled "wan' Nori" causing his daughter to jump back looking surprised. "who?" "Nori" he repeated looking at her with pleading eyes. "Nori? Who's Nori is that the person who watches you?" she questioned grabbing his phone in an attempt to contact the person. "Can you point to their picture?" she asked holding up the phone the screen showing all his contacts. Enji pointed to Toshinori's contact excitement lighting up his face as he saw the contact photo. "Nori! Nori!! Nori!!!" he chanted excitedly. Fuyumi giggled clicking on the contact and pressing the call button. Enji excitedly snatched the phone out of his daughter's hands squealing in delight upon hearing the man's voice. "Good morning how are you?" Toshinori asked. "da hewo agacee cwalled me dis mornin" he pouted sunding upset. "really what about?" "dey knows bout' me gettin wittle stuffs" he explained pouting. "It'll be okay" he said softly and he was right it would be. They soon filed a lawsuit against the hero association for illegally tracking the purchases of their employees and won.

I feel like this is bad and the person that requested it is gonna hate it but I tried really hard so if you hate it I'm sorry in other news though I put some of this in an ai writer to see what it would come up with and this is what it gave me "Enji's quirk could have killed him he knew it could easily have ended his life as he had learned during his secret shoplifting years."

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