12 🔥

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"For what," I gasp out.

"Oh so you want to play it that way? Fine. Just tell me what your intentions were for the last 10 minutes, and I'll let you go.... Maybe."

"To dominate"-

"Ah. Choose your words carefully. Wouldn't want to lie to me would you?"

I choose to stay silent.

"You want me to get the answers out myself?" My hands grip his arm as he squeezes tighter. He usually lets go by now.

My face goes red, and I can feel myself about to cough. His grip starts to lessen. He lets go and I take in gasps of air, while he gets up and starts to look through my closet.

I sit there for a minute catching my breath, and he comes back with a belt. "What are you going to do spank me?"

"No. Bite this."

He wraps it around my head before I can stop him, and pulls hard. I'm confused until his fingers go straight up my night dress and slam into my gspot.

I nearly screamed, and grabbed his arm but he grabs my neck again. "Shush now. Hands off." My hands drop to my sides. I'm desperate to finish. I would practically do anything, and he knows that.

His fingers still push up so deep, I try to move upwards but his hand moves with me.

"You still haven't apologized. Or told me what you really like. You know I've gotten to read it but hearing it is just so different."

I mumble through the belt, "you've never had a problem with it before."

"That was before I took a liking to you."

"Can you- please," my voice is barley understandable with the belt strapped. I try to move his fingers but he grabs my wrist and plops it back down again.

"What did I say about touching?"

He removes his fingers and a sigh leaves me. I'm not sure if it's a sigh of frustration or relief. He walks back over to his bag and grabs something. I hate it when he does that.

I take the opportunity to grab the belt and take it off. I jump off the bed.

"Now, come on. Get back on. It's going to be so much fun breaking you."

"Nope. You get back on. I can show you a belt loop I learnt."

"Uh huh. Why can't you just admit that"-

"Because I don't."

"Don't interrupt me."

"Or what?"

"I'm getting tired of that big mouth of yours."

I play around with the belt making a restraint I've seen on the internet. I smile and hold it out saying, "give me your hands."

He looks at me like he's about to murder someone. He snatches it out of my hands, "hands out. Sit your ass down."

"No." I cross my arms.

"Alright." He walks up to me and snatches my wrists, putting my wrists through the loops. He pushes back until my back hits the wall. His hand grips the belt and pushes it up against the wall behind me.

He pauses and looks to the hanging chair in the corner. Then up to the hook holding it. My face pales.


"Will you apologize?"

I give him a glare. He shrugs.

He pulls me over to the corner, and I kick at him, "I'm the dominant one!!!"

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