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This fight is taking a while.


I wonder what's happening right now

Techno was laying down in a grass field while saber was fighting 2 servants. It seems like saber was ok so there was no need to help until..

"ENEMY REFORCEMENTS INCOMING" Romani warned the allies

 As some emo version of Jeanne arrived with some servants looking down at us

Jalter: "stop horsing around and kill her already we're leaving already"

Jalter menacingly walked away

Jeanne: Please Wait! Why are you doing this?

Jalter just ignored her and retreated back to the castle as Vlad and Camilla got serious

Ritsuka: "Saber get ready!"

Saber: "Yes master"

saber got into a defensive stance as Jeanne backed her up

Gudako looked around for techno and finding he was just sleeping


Techno: Fineee

 Techno got up and went behind around Jalter 20 feets away getting his rocket launcher ready  and was aiming towards the enemy squad. 

his finger on the trigger and was just waiting for a moment of weakness

The fight was fast paced, Saber clashing with Vlad and swinging their blades till sparks turned into flames

Camilla suddenly appeared behind Saber but techno shot a firework at her landing a hit and blowing her back to jeanne which she smacked her with the flag to the floor

It seemed like the fight was in their favor but that changed when their madness boosted

Vlad kicked saber and Jeanne to a wall


Camilla came behind and tried to bonk techno

but by plot techno finally got his ascension right in the last moment but because it's by plot there must be a backslash equal to how much power was given, Writers please take note.

A Blast of light blew Camilla back 

Ritsuka: "What the"

 everyone was covering their eyes as the light shine brightly

then the light died down

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