Teth, Tsadi, and Ayin waited for her to say something. When nothing came, Ayin answered by saying "She doesn't want to reveal her name yet." Teth and Tsadi understood, and they just chatted the morning away, while Irisir half-spaced out, half-listened.
Turns out Teth really wasn't a morning person and was annoyed she had to wait longer than usual. She liked an even work schedule. She was a blacksmith in training, after all.
Tsadi was a warrior in training, since this was actually a military training camp. But Teth said he's terrible at fighting and is more of a pacifist. Tsadi himself didn't talk though.
Irisir felt the need to raise a question.
"Wait a moment—if this is a military training camp, then who are you working for? And also, why would you take me in so easily?"
All noises stopped when Irisir finished. Uneasiness bubbled up. Did she say something wrong?
She glanced at Ayin. He had an unreadable expression. Eyed Teth. She seemed nervous. Gazed at Tsadi. He was shaking his head vigorously.
"...we're working for the royals," someone answered. They turned towards the source of the voice—a boy, younger than her by at least two years or so, with spiked hair going in one direction. He had wore a dark gray onesie and one of his eyes were covered by his hair. Next to him was a girl with her eye covered by hair which was styled as simple shoulder length hair, and she was wearing a similar onesie.
"The royals?"
"The royal family of Sky Kingdom! King Resh I and his blessed son, Prince Alef Resh II!" The boy replied. "How come you don't know the people who you're working for? I wonder why they took you in then," he taunted, making Irisir grit her teeth.
She heard the girl beside him mutter something out. He didn't listen, whatever it was she said. "Where have you been living? Under a rock?" He guffawed, to which the girl slammed her fist into the table to get his attention.
The boy flinched. "That's enough, Sah," she says. "Hey, hey! I'm only just pulling their legs, sister," he joked, Irisir picked up nervousness in his voice. "Yeah? That pulling of the legs will get us in trouble Sir Daleth, no?" She gritted her teeth and pulled him away. A sigh came from Tsadi.
"Who was that?" Irisir asked.
"Sah and Mekh, better known as the Samek duo. Twin siblings, best of the warrior trainees, natural acrobats," Teth answers, "Sah is an ass. Stay away from him. Mekh... Mekh's better. She keeps him reined but she's more chaotic than him," she finishes.
"And... who's this Sir Daleth they speak of?" Irisir asks, she wonders if she should rename herself Pandora now.
"Sir Daleth?" Tsadi spoke for the first time, perking up. His voice was hoarse, probably from not much use. "He's a great wizard in touch with nature! He also oversees our training, which is why Sah and Mekh would get in trouble should they be reported," Tsadi gushes.
"You're such a wizard nerd, cousin," Ayin smiles.
"Wait—you're cousins?!"
"Yep!" Both reply.
"Huh. Never would've guessed," Irisir hums. "So, this is a military training camp, huh? Then why did they take me in?"
"Dunno, there are a lot of sympathetic soldiers 'round here," Teth answered. "Maybe they found you. But you can't stay here for long if you aren't a trainee."
Irisir feels a lump in her throat at that. So they were going to kick her out, but only if she hadn't enrolled, huh? Irisir taps a finger on the table. If they kicked her out her pursuers might find her and kill her. No way she was gonna let that happen. On the other hand, if she enrolled, then she would have food, water, shelter—the basics, all in exchange for her training. She weighed her choices.
Then she opens her mouth and asks,
"Where do I sign up?"
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Are you, really, really, one hundred percent, super sure that you won't change your mind?"
"Ugh, for the hundredth time, yes Ayin!"
Ayin sighs in defeat. "Okay."
Irisir sighs in exasperation. "Finally."
Irisir was going to sign up for the camp. Even though it might be a really bad decision, at least it's better than getting killed by some wild animal or her village's destroyer. Ayin accompanied her because he really had nothing to do, he was just a visitor after all. A visitor to the clinic one too many times. Teth and Tsadi's classes don't start in an hour so they were free to take her there.
They were now walking in the hallway, on their way to see Sir Daleth and sign up.
They arrive at a silver door with a diamond again. There's a name carved on it.
So this is Sir Daleth's office... Irisir thought. She tenses up.
"Well, go on. Go inside," Tsadi ushers, to which he gets bonked by Teth. "Why?!"
"Umm... can't you guys go with me...?" Irisir mutters nervously and quietly.
Teth, who was about to whisper-yell at Tsadi, stopped and looked at her. "Come again?"
"I said, can't you guys go with me?" She repeats.
"Oh! Uh..." the other girl looks at Tsadi and Ayin. The cousins shrug as the smaller one says, "sure, why not?" And the other replies, "of course, what are friends for? We shouldn't go alone without each other!"
Irisir's heart warms at thought the group acknowledges her as a friend, even if they'd barely known each other for a day.
She smiles and opens the door to Daleth's office, friends in tow. Next step would probably to tell them her name, no?
...yeah. All in due time. When she's finally ready.
Hello hello hello! I'm back :'D
Sorry I deserted y'all for a hot second there. This is an incredibly long chapter and I hope it makes up for me not updating 😭 anyway might make a character reference next chapter. Also yes I changed the protagonist's name. Formerly it was Iriai, but I changed it to Irisir to honor one of my Sky friends! Sky randomly generated the Irisir name for them and I thought it sounded regal and fit for a queen. Anyways hope you liked this chapter! That's all!
Signing off, Sky/Moon!
A/N 2 (Oct 12, 2022, Wednesday):
I rewrote some parts in the previous chapters to make Irisir have slight trust issues and paranoia, since, well, ykno,,, Irisir was being pursued by the destroyers of her home, then was brought to some random clinic after falling unconscious, so how would she trust these guys? Up to now Irisir has not said her name. Maybe next chapter, if I don't decide it to be a character ref sheet.

Sky's Prologue
FantasyIn the past, a queen came and defeated the king that was corrupting the Sky Kingdom. But now, a lot of people think she never existed because there was no evidence that she did. But if you who finds this, know that she was real. Know that she was t...