Sleeping Beauty

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a beautiful prince was born... A prince destined by a terrible curse to prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and become Sleeping Beauty..

"Sweet prince, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give at thee. Not in death but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep, and from this slumber you shall wake when true love's kiss the spell shall break."

For true love conquers all...




The young woman had never in her life, heard such an' amazing voice. The person singing was a male, but his tone was soft and sweet. Even still, she knew better than to follow the singing. So instead, (Y/N) studied her map with hopes of drowning out the voice with her worries. 'The town should be close by, the sooner I find a road to lead me, the better.' 

Not even paying attention, the singing grew louder with each step she took away from it.

Suddenly, sunlight fell around her. No longer was the sky a somber shade, nor was the road covered in dirt. Only fresh grass and a few leaves making a path. 

It frightened her greatly.

Cautiously, she looks around and takes small little steps. Finding a bit of courage in her footing, she takes a leap and spots a odd bush..? Leaning close to it with curiosity, she pokes the weird leaf growing on the bush. It was much softer than the leafs and a different color all together! How strange...

Pulling at the soft "leaf", she noticed it was attached to other 'leaves". Plucking a singular "leaf", the woman frowns at the sweet scent coming off of it. Her stomach growled, but she ignores the idea of eating the strange leaf. Letting the petal fall to the ground, she takes a glance at her map once again. But a sudden burst of harsh wind blows the paper out of her hand. 

Her face contorts into fear as she tries her best to follow after the parchment. Running as fast as she could, uncaring of her surroundings or where she was heading.

Finding herself in a unknown clearing, berries on trees and bushes were all she could truly see. A hungry, no, starving sensation coarsed through her body as she mindlessly went to pluck a single berry. Not even caring  if it was poisoned or not. Licking her chapped lips, she reaches out her hand but immediately recoiled back in defense, for she had seen a pair of eyes starring at her from behind the berry tree. 

Giving the watcher a stern look, she sees him come closer to her with innocent curiosity shinning brightly in his lavender eyes. Wanting to be at least polite incase she was stepping on his property, she introduced herself curtly.

"(Y/N)." The traveler said quietly, adjusting the murky brown coat that hung over their slightly clothed skin. "And who might you be?" She asked with a uneasy tone, judging him with her dull (e/c) gems. Which made the young male smile ever so timid.

"Briar Rose."

"Nice name," "your... name is... too.." "what was that?"

(Y/N) asked, wondering what he had muttered. "You have a lovely name." The blonde rephrased, his eyes glimmering with warmth.

"...Thank you." Was all the young woman could say with a mindful smile, hugging her coat closer to her body. "Your sure are a sweet one." (Y/N) stated, but then she felt the wind blowing through her hair and the smile on her face falls. "Do you know where the nearest town is?" 

The female asks him, worry spreading across her soul.

"I.. Don't.." Briar said unsuerly, watching the girl frown more and her eyes narrow. "I see, well. It was nice meeting you, but I need to go find it on my own." (Y/N) stated, remembering she had no map to aid her. 

"H-hold on a moment!" Briar blurts out, not wanting her to leave so soon. Giving the blonde a quizzical glance, she stays in place. "What might you need form me?" The woman said, crossing her arms underneath her bust. 

"My..." he swallowed his anxiousness and stares at her straight in the eye. "My aunties, they can help you get to the village. They forbid me from leaving the forest, so I am unable to help you. But I'm certain they can give you directions."

A silent question (Y/N) wanted to ask was left jumping  inside her head. Why was he not allowed out of the forest? But knowing better to question his oddness, she choose to trust his words and come up with the rational reasons to kill her curiosity.

Plague was spreading like a wild fire in the places she had once been. Those once colorful buildings and crops had decayed and grown rotten like flesh on the formerly sick. Now buried in the ground or burned into ashes that fly in the sky. Only to be remembered by those who walk on the land of the living. So maybe being secluded in the forest would not allow him or his aunts to become unwell.

Pushing out a shaky hand, she held a uneasy expression on her pretty, exhausted face. "I'll trust you, but, try anything to trick me. I'mma' leave to somewhere you'll never find me." 

Briar smiles, taking her rough hands into his own. "I promise." He whispers out like a vow. Gazing at (Y/N)'s unsure features with such passion that not even the sweetest songs he could sing would explain his newfound feelings.

This was inspired by the Hadestown soundtrack. It really helped a lot for this chapter. But I did it! Woohoo. Thank you guys so much for 203 reads and readers! Consider this fast update as a small gift! More stories and hopefully part twos will come! Comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading!

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