This story is set in an alternate universe where a select population of humans have evolved into multiple sub-species of hybrids.
The contents of this fan fiction regarding the history of Thailand and the kingdoms, indigenous people, and clans of the past were loosely based on the real civilizations that occupied what is now present day Thailand. However, this story is not, in anyway, shape or form, an accurate representation of those civilizations—nor does it claim to be.
This is a work of fiction. Names of characters, places, or things herein are purely fictional. Any relation to any person living or dead is entirely coincidental.
The Wolf House | OffGun - TayNew |
FanfictionGun dreams of blood-red eyes staring at him from the darkness. New sees visions of a burning tree. Tay tries to be a good husband and father while running away from his past. Jumpol fears he's not strong enough to protect the ones he loves. The scen...