Beautiful ghosts

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Follow me home

If you dare to

I wouldn't know

Where to lead you

Should I take chances

When no one took chances on me?

So I watch from the dark, wait for my life to start

With no beauty in my memory.

Morgana followed Merlin from the distance. She had no place to go. She hadn't had a place of her own for longer than she could remember. The place was desolated and cold. There was only her and Merlin. And the silver moon who eyed them from above.

The witch couldn't feel the autumn's cold breath. She followed Merlin down the path. She wanted to speak with him, but she dared not. What was she supposed to say? She could not help him. She could not punish him either. Though, revenge was already a foreign word to her. Emptiness and grief had replaced everything.

She hated that loneliness. She hated to stroll on empty streets without a purpose. Without a destination. Where could she lead him if she didn't know where she was going?

All that I wanted

Was to be wanted

Too young to wander London streets

Alone and haunted.

She remembered the young girl she once was. The girl who wished for nothing but to be loved and wanted. She'd dreamt of someone to whom she would be everything. She would have given everything to be loved the way Merlin had cared for Arthur and the knights. Even a simple peasant like her former servant had more love than the witch had ever dared to dream of ever receiving from someone.

She was still young. There was still beauty in her features. Barley, but it could blossom if only one would give it the chance. If only there were someone to make her feel alive again. Someone to think of while she chose the dress for the day to come.

No one would care that her dress was torn. That blood covered most of her chest. Little did it matter that her hair hadn't been combed for years.

She was too young to wander the streets without a home. Without a soul to wait for her home. Home? Where was her home? May it be London? How had she ended here in the first place? When had she gone so far from Camelot?

The Thames trampled under the heavy raindrops. The witch moved nearer to the river. The water looked dark and scary.

Born into nothing

At least you have something

Something to cling to

Morgana studied Merlin. He hadn't noticed she had entered his chambers. He lay in the bed dreaming. He wasn't sleeping. She was sure of it. Yet his mind was somewhere far away. To a time long gone. He was smiling. How could he smile when his own world had been turned into ruins?

The witch envied him for having something to dream about before going to sleep. Something to ease his nights and coloured his dreams. Lonely as he was, he still had the lovely memories of long gone years.

Visions of dazzling rooms I'll never get let into

Perilous night

Their voices calling

A flicker of light

Before the dawning

Morgana gazed through the window at the jolly feasts from the castle. She yearned for the times she'd worn fine dresses and danced around the hall. Now other ladies were dancing careless and dreamful, their vivid dresses catching the glances of every man present at the feast.

She hadn't been invited. And she would never be. A blonde young woman came to him. He smiled and stood up. His eyes glowed gold and a red rose appeared in his hand. He gave the flower to the lady. She smiled and gestured to him to help her put the flower in her hair. Slowly he accompanied the lovely girl to the dance floor. They dance together. Young and beautiful. And the music sang for them. And everybody admired the way they danced across the dance floor.

Morgana ran away. She didn't want to look anymore.

Out here, the wild ones

Are taming the fear within me

Scared to call them my friends and be broken again

Is this hope just a mystical dream?

Morgana watched the town from above. She wanted to hope, but she didn't dare, too afraid of getting hurt again. Should she risk everything? Should she let go? She studied the asleep form in front of her. The fresh white lilies next to her were mesmerizing. He'd visited her every day. Each day brought new flowers. Her white dress suited her perfectly. There were small white flowers in her hair. She was so beautiful and so peaceful.

The sleepy beauty couldn't understand her grief. Should she allow her to sleep? Was it worth it? Was it just a lovely dream?

And so maybe my home isn't what I had known

What I thought it would be

But I feel so alive with these phantoms of the night

And I know that this life isn't safe

But it's wild and it's free

All that I wanted

Was to be wanted

I'll never wander London streets

Alone and haunted

Born into nothing

With them, I have something

Something to cling to

I never knew I'd love this world they've let me into

And the memories were lost long ago

So I'll dance with these beautiful ghosts

And the memories were lost long ago

So I'll dance with these beautiful ghosts

Morgana ran along the neverending long halls. The time was fighting against her. Her lungs hardly had any air left and her dress made it even more difficult to run. It was too long. Too feeble. Her hair was already loose on her back. When she finally opened the door her cheeks were red. Her hair was a complete mess. Yet she wouldn't think about it. It didn't matter how she looked. She'd made a choice. Life was hardly perfect. It was dangerous...and scary...every step was a new risk she had to take, but there was another place she should be at the moment.

She took a deep breath and she gazed into Merlin's eyes. Come what may, there was no reason to be afraid.....

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