Little Miss Interruption

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after I saw Na-Ra I quickly got off awkwardly "N-Na-Ra what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming back" I said confused

Na-Ra just chuckled at me "well duh! I want it to be surprised but turns out you guys surprised me" she says eyeing me and Jungkook

I look at Jungkook and I see him scratching the back of his head awkwardly "maybe I should go... good to see you Na-Ra" he says immediately getting up in his position "bye Min-Ji" he says before going, after hearing the door closed I sighed

I look at my feet embarrassed "so what happened?" I hear her asked making me look up at her "nothing, we were just playing around" I answered

Na-Ra chuckled sarcastically "uh huh sure that was playing around; I thought you guy's finally admitted your feelings for each other" she says making me scoff loudly

I walked out of the room going to the kitchen "first, that will never happened because I told you I don't like him like that and second do you want eggs?" I asked grabbing a pan out of the cupboard and two eggs out of the fridge

"sure, I'm hungry anyways but you know feelings can change- I mean yes you just broke up with someone but you and Jungkook have been friends since you guys were kids so I wont be surprised if you have a little bit of crush on him because I haven't seen him in months but damn he still looks good" Na-Ra says sitting on the counter

I opened the stove hitting the pan "do I think he's attractive? yes I do but that doesn't mean I wanna jump his bones and date him- he's Jeon Jungkook, he's a major star- he's out of my league" I said

"don't talk like that- I'm sure your right for him" she says

I sighed as I finished cooking and putting the eggs on the plate and serving her share "I have to go to work in a couple of hours so lets not waste any time talking about my best friend ok?" I suggested and she just nodded


3rd POV

Jungkook arrived back at their dorms and as suspected the other members are doing on their own thing and since its their day off they can do whatever they want; Taehyung immediately noticed Jungkook walked in with a strange look on his face "ya! Jungkook-shi where have you been?" he asks walking towards him wrapping an arm around his shoulders

"I slept at Min-Ji's place last night, I took her to a club last night" Jungkook explained and immediately the other members stopped what their doing and looked at the youngest

"you what now?" Jin asks confused

"yeah I took her out, we had fun" he says sitting on the couch beside Jimin

"really? how did you manage that?" Jimin asks

"I said some stuff" Jungkook says nothing to vague

"like what exactly?" Namjoon questioned him

"like... how she was in a relationship for a while and I explained what she missed because of that-"

"so you just throw that in her face? that's cold man" Hoseok says shaking his head

"well it worked" Yoongi muttered

"anyway, I told you we had fun..." Jungkook paused

"until what?" Jin asks curiously

"until we saw Seo-Yun with another girl with him at the same club we were at" the youngest explained making the other members groan

"what did you guys do?" Jimin asks

"actually Min-Ji manage to slap him in the face- I know that's not relevant but I was very impressed but the point is she was drunk to remember that happened" Jungkook says

"so you didn't tell her that you guys saw her ex with a girl last night?" Taehyung says and ultimately Jungkook nods "why not?" Taehyung asks

Jungkook sighs "because I didn't want her to cry or get hurt in anyway" he answered

"that's nice but if she finds out what will you do?" Yoongi asks

"yeah if she finds out, because Na-Ra is here- those to will be together catching up" Jungkook says an the other members nods in agreement "anyway, I um I actually- something else happened" Jungkook says making the others look at him with curiously

"I kinda almost kissed her" as soon as Jungkook released those words the members immediately asks a lot of questions




"I knew it! it would have happened if someone didn't interrupt!"

all the guys were talking all talking at once so the oldest shushed them immediately and everyone stayed quiet "who interrupted you?" Jin asks

"Na-Ra" Jungkook muttered

"why!" Jimin and Taehyung says together "that little miss interruption" Taehyung muttered

"I'm glad she interrupted- I would've regretted it" Jungkook says and the other boys shook their heads

"or you guys could've liked it and it would made you guys a couple" Hoseok says

"yes, and that's terrifying to me!" the youngest says

"why?" Namjoon asks "did you at least thought about it if you guys were a couple?" he continued

"I did and it would ruin our friendship if we broke up" he answered

"your just scared" Jimin says

"yes I'm scared because Min-Ji is the only thing I have in Seoul from back home; she's everything to me and I don't want to lose her- she's really important to me" Jungkook says

Seokjin sighed grabbing the youngest's shoulder "yeah we know, and we're sorry for pushing but have you thought if she has little feelings about you?" Jin says "I know you guys have been friends since forever but you guys have been friends forever are you not saying that there will be no possibilities about you guys together?" Jin asks

"even if we have feeling for each other- which we don't! I don't think we'd be able to be together... not like that anyway" Jungkook says

the other members sighed giving up "lets have a bet!" Yoongi announces making the other look at him "if they don't date when Na-Ra's birthday comes then we'll leave you guys alone and not make another word about you guys- but if you guys ending up together then... you can be hyung for a month" Yoongi suggested making the others agreed and Jungkook to think

Jungkook smirks "deal!"

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