Chapter VII

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September 1st
Houston(2:45 pm)

Onika POV

It was the first of September just three days before bey's birthday and I still didn't know what to do for her.

She said she didn't want anything big cause she doesn't care for that day but idc I'm still doing something big for her.

I was currently hanging out with the girls so I could get ideas on what I should do for Bey while bey was out "handling some business." I really didn't mind cause that gave me some time to plan without her up under me.

"So guys i want to do something for bey for her birthday but I don't know what. I know I want to go all out." I said looking at the girls. It was me, Lauren, Rihanna and My friend Ari. "Girl u talkin to Beyoncé? As in Beyoncé Knowles, creator of "Ivy Park"?" Ari asked.

"Yea, we been talkin for a min now girl." I replied to her as I got an idea. "I say u should act like u forgot it's her birthday and just surprise her throughout the day then bring her to her surprise party that we're throwing." Lo said.

I smiled at the idea as I thanked Lo and left to go shopping and plan everything out.


Bey pov

Today I was at the studio my homie Wayne said he wanted to meet me there cause he had someone he wanted me to meet. Depending on how this meeting goes this could potentially be another client.

I walked in and said wassup to my boys Metro and Zay. Both metro and zay worked for me as far as producing music goes. When I heard how good they shit was I just had to get 'em on my team. Sometimes its funny how we would act together being that I'm younger than them it's all love tho.

A few mins later Wayne finally walked in with this fineeeee ass lightskin girl behind him. I mean she was fine asf and covered in tats. Her hair was all curly and she had these perfect ass dimples.

"Yoooo bey, this the person I was telling u about. This My home girl Lani." He said as he walked in. Ik I'm in a relationship with Nika but damn I couldn't help the dirty thoughts goin thru my mind as I looked at Lani.

"Beyoncé, pleased to meet u Ms. Lani. To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting to?" I said reaching out my hand for her to shake it. "Hi Ms.Knowles, Wayne said he knew one of the best producers in Houston that could help produce my album." She said as she shook my hand.

"Oh did he now. That's so sweet of u lil bro." I replied smirking and teasing Wayne. He hated when I called him that. Over the course of a few hours we sat in the studio  setting up meetings, going thru beats and figuring out song titles.

It was now going on 6 pm when I finally checked my phone and seen all the missed calls and texts I had from everyone. That's just how I am when I get into work mode I put my phone on DND and just work. It's how I'm able to focus and put out my best work.

I told metro to turn the beat down so it wasn't too loud in the studio as i FaceTimed the group. Lauren was the first to answer then popped in everyone else...except for my baby. "Heyyyyy bitchessss."

I said smiling even though ik they're prolly mad at me. "Bey don't do that. We've been blowing yo phone up all day Nika has been worried sick about u." Immediately my smile dropped.

"Where's my baby??" I asked with concern in my voice. "Oh now u worried about her? But she's in ur room sleep. She asked us to keep her company since u weren't here." Rih said as she started to tear me a new asshole. Rih could be sweet but she'll tell it to u straight and will not give two fucks about how u feel. I hated whenever one of us was in her crosshairs.

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