16.5 - Death Wishes

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16.5 - Death Wishes

I watch him as he tears apart his room. Tears rolling down my cheek as fear grips me. I normally wasn't one to falter for another, but this was too much to take. My breathes come up shallow as he destroys everything in his path. His long, sharp canines ripping apart the curtain, letting a sharp stream of light seem into the otherwise dark, large room.

I bring a shaky hand to my mouth, biting on the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming. I shivered vigorously, and it wasn't as a result of the cold. He shattered the glass on the windows, broke in piece the coffee table and tore apart the sofas that sat against the walls marred with claw marks and apt indentations.

Everything was destroyed.

Except for me.

As if hearing me, his icy blue orbs train aptly on me.

I keep my lower lip from trembling as his large head swings in my direction. I let my blurry eyes filled with tears stare back at him. I breathe out, splaying my hands on my lap, my legs pulled out in front of me. I dare not to move as his idle stare becomes more consent.

I meet his eyes.

In a nanosecond, he his stalking over to me. Deep, troubled breathes exiting from his mouth as I sit and do all that I can not to move.

Ragged. It was the only way to describe his breaths.

His eyes, were perhaps, what feared me most. The fire in them, the burning rage in those cold, blue orbs did nothing but scare me.

He stalks me with such intensity, his eyes looking at me with such ferocity, that I swallow my apprehension. I knew in the depths of my stomach that if I were to sit there, I could really be hurt.

And then, there was the rest of the people who were temporary habitants of this home. I didn't know for sure whether guests had spent the night - as a Beta's daughter, I was required to follow Morgan and my father to these prestigious events. It wasn't uncommon for a guest to spend a night.

His Wolf - Klaus - was dangerous. But, Vladimir had told me that Klaus' eyes were green - electric green.

And that, even if his eyes contrasted to his normal color of blue, it didn't mean that Klaus was in control.

I gulp inaudibly, his eyes were blue. Such an electric blue, that it made the tips of my heart explode with light.

He moves, closer and closer until he is but an inch away.

Suddenly, he stops.

A loud snarl emanates from his lips as he falls to the floor, an agonizing howl slips from his mouth as his claws indented the hardwood floor. I let my pale legs slip down the bed and meet the apt hardwood.

I let my hair cover my face as he looks at me intently, his gaze fanning over my frame in an unconstitutional manner. I sink to my knees in front of him, what I am about to do can bring me grave danger, or it can save the life of another. Even if - it was one, apt life.

I let out a shaky breath, saying a quick prayer before raising my hands and resting them lightly on his thick, dark and soft fur.

Flaming sparks.

I pull my eyes shut as I wait for him to rip me apart, slowly preparing myself for the worst. I said a quick prayer in my head, desperate for God to save me from myself and Romanov.

It is a small mumble, but I have no doubt he heard me.

His feral growls get louder and stay that way for a full minute, until they could barely be heard. I contemplated removing my hand, but he was calming down. At least, judging by his lack of response to my actions, I am sure that he has passed out his tantrum.

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