Episode 15: The arrival of the legendary soldier to the doomed city

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27 of September of 1998

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27 of September of 1998. East Raccoon City Airspace, Raccoon City, United States. 1:35 A.M.

After leaving his home and boarding a jet to the United States, Roy Campbell and Solid Snake took another jet that took them to the Dugway USA army base in Utah, in which they gave all the weapons that Snake requested: a Beretta 92F, MAC-11, P90, a FAMAS (in French, Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne, Assault Rifle by St-Étienne Arms Factory in English), a knife, many grenades, flash grenades and some C4. All of them had suppressors, since he considered that he needed to remain in stealth in order to get between the hordes of undead. The Colonel Campbell also gave him a flashlight and a radio CODEC to communicate with him.

Tacking a helicopter with 11 soldiers from FOXHOUND, they took off to Raccoon City, being in just a matter of hours in its airspace. There Snake received a call from the CODEC in the frequency 140.85.

-This is Solid Snake, do you read me Colonel?- Snake said answering the call.

-Loud and clear Snake- Roy Campbell in the other side of the line –do you need to hear again the mission objectives?-

-No, Colonel, they are clear to me: reach the RPD, help the police and the survivors while getting information that shows the culprit of the Umbrella Corporation in the T-Virus outbreak- Snake answered.

-Good. Remember to contact me at the signal 140.85 to receive further instructions if something gets wrong or there are any complications. Anything that you would like to know before touching Raccoon City?- Roy Campbell said.

-Well, I would like to know how this "zombie disease" spread- Snake said.

-I knew that you would ask something like that and luckily we have a woman with the knowledge and intel that will support you in this mission. Let me present you to Doctor Carla Rademes, the genetist and the B.O.W.s consultant of the White House- Roy Campbell said.

-Hello! It's an honor to meet you Solid Snake!- the voice of a young woman was heard at the CODEC radio –my name is Carla Radames and I will happily provide you of any information that you need in order to guaranty your safety and the success of this mission-

-You are kind of young to being a Doctor Miss Radames- Snake said.

-Hahaha! There is no age for the passion for science and genetics. Anyway, you can contact me at the frequency 140.00 if you have any doubt regarding a B.O.W., monster, zombie, virus, whatever. So, what are your doubts Snake?- Carla asked.

-Well, I would like to know how much time takes a person injured by a zombie to become a zombie- Snake said.

-The infection is spread through fluidic contact it must enter through the bloodstream through an open wound. Infection duration depends on the size of the wound and its proximity to a major blood vessel reanimation will occur no later than one to five hours after the victim's primary life functions have expired, though there are reports in which the dead reanimate in just matter of minutes and even some in which a living person become a zombie in a few minutes. Once reanimation has occurred the subject will respond with immediate homicidal aggression- Carla explained.

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