Amami was up before.. everyone. He was careful not to move, since he didn't want to wake Saihara up.
After about ten more minutes Saihara woke up, lifting his head up slowly, and using Amami's chest for support as he got up.
His hair sprang out In all directions, but his face still looked as It always looked.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Amami whispered to him, and laughed a bit.
"Good morning.." Saihara said, his voice sounded raspy, and soft at the same time. Then, he realized that he was laying on Amami's chest the whole night.
"Oh.. I-I didn't realize I was laying on you. Sorry...!" He apologized In a whisper, hoping that Amami wouldn't be mad at him.
"It's alright, I didn't mind." Amami smiled at him. "But, since we're the first two people awake we should start getting ready for today. Is It alright If I use one of your bathrooms to shower In?" He asked.
"Sure. That's alright. I'm gonna go upstairs and use the bathroom In my room, okay?" Saihara said as he got up, and waved to Amami before walking up the stairs.
They both locked the bathrooms doors, and used the bathroom first. Saihara got Into the shower and stayed In there for about 25 minutes, before getting out to fix his hair and brush his teeth.
Amami took 20 minutes, and got out to brush his teeth after showering. After a few more minutes, both of them were ready. Saihara sat back on the couch where he slept last night.
Amami came out a little later, and sat beside him. "Hey Saihara? Can I tell you something?" He asked.
"Sure! What Is It Amami?" Saihara said.
Before Amami started to speak, other people began waking up and going to the bathroom.
"Do you wanna go to my room? So nobody else hears?" Saihara recommended.
"Yeah." Amami stood up and walked upstairs, and Saihara followed.