Chapter one (Tatum’s P.O.V)
It has been 5 years since I seen my mum and sister. 5 long years of me not talking, I walked to my sister’s room and opened the door slowly. I walked in and looked around, I looked at her bed side table and saw a photo frame of Sarah and I together at the park, and she was sitting on my lap on the swing, while mum took the photo. I can still remember it if it was like yesterday.
5 years ago
“Tatum, come on!” Sarah smiled and ran to the swings, I ran after her and picked her up as I sat on the swing, and then I put Sarah on my lap. “Kids smile.” I heard my mum’s voice and we looked up at the camera and smiled. A bright flash went off, knowing that out picture was taken, Sarah jumped off and ran behind me and started to push me but failed badly. I couldn’t help but laugh at the fail attempt to try and push me, so I got off and went to my sister, who looked about to cry so I picked her up and started to spin around. I started to feel sick so I stopped and I put Sarah down, and we both tried to walk but we fell down on our asses, we looked at each other and started to laugh. When my head stopped spinning, I heard more laughing so I looked up and I saw my parents. I got up and joined them and then Sarah joined us too, and that’s when everything went down.
My parents smiled faded and soon everything seemed to be going fast, my parents were yelling run and I nod and started to run, I looked behind me and only to see my sister just standing there looking at the guys, her knees were shaking like there was no day tomorrow, I run back to her and grabbed her wrist and bolted back towards my parents. My parents turned left and I followed them but we came to a holt when there was a brick wall in the way, we turned to started running again but we stopped when we saw the guys with masks on with guns, my heart was pounding in my chest, I’m surprise anyone could hear it. I could feel Sarah’s grip on my wrist tightened and I quickly picked her up and held her tight but she was shaking. They slowly started to walk towards us so my dad pulled us behind him while mum and dad stand there with their heads held high. Oh did I mention that my family are black ops, but my parents didn’t want to be in the black ops anymore, since they had me, they only wanted a proper life but I’m guessing it’s not working when they keep leaving in the middle of the night.
The guys stopped in front of our parents and waited, then one of the guys went to swing at my mum but my mum caught he’s hand and stared at him. “You weren’t going to hit me were you just then.” My mum said in a flat tone, the guy eyes rolled and he swung he’s other fist but mum just missed it and it collided with her face, my dad turned he’s head slowly and he’s eyes started to change colour, it went red. “You did not just hit my fucking wife.” My dad said with so much fury in he’s tone that even the guy jumped back at the sound of it, my dad walked to him and grabbed his neck and pegged it to the wall, and from there on it was hard to see the fight because they were going so fast, it was unbelievable. I was so interested in the fight my parents were having that I didn’t realise there was a guy heading this way, I started to back up until my back hit the wall. The guy walked closer and grabbed me and he started to shake me. “Let her go.” I groaned, like really why on earth would I let go of my sister? “No, I won’t, I won’t let her go.” I said back and I looked at him, he frowned and grabbed my hair and pulled back but I still held onto my sister. “I said let go.” He growled but I still refused to let Sarah go. The guy pulled harder and I hissed in pain and my grip slowly loosened, so he pulled harder and I let go of her. “That’s a good boy.” He threw me against the wall and then fell to the ground, my head started to spin, I opened my eyes a little just to see my sister over one of the guys shoulder, she had tears going down her face and she had her hand out for me, and she was yelling something but I couldn’t make it out. I reached my hand out but it just fell to the ground and everything started to blur and soon everything went black.