An exodus of startled civilians rushed through the doors, eager to both see what was going on and to get to their homes for safety.
Wes and I veered away from the door and towards the large marble columns where, in the darkness, a passageway to outside was cleverly hidden. We avoided the shoving crowd and slipped through the narrow passageway, coming out in the garden of the palace. The low walls of the garden we scaled easily, and hurried down to the perimeter wall entrance, where a carriage was smoking.
Although there was chaos for the civilians to get inside, nothing but the tapping of feet on the cobblestones could be heard. Everyone was trained to be quick and silent in their retreat because the noise attracted the supernatural. Even the warning bell was rung only once before being silenced.
As we dashed to the destroyed carriage, my brother caught up with us and threw me my hooded coat. Nodding at him gratefully, I shrugged it on and buttoned it up before we reached, assuming my position as "Prince".
The wreckage loomed before us. An elaborately decorated carriage, black as night with wooden and iron wheels, was crushed. The roof had been smashed in and the door was swinging on a broken hinge. Lying on the ground, her dress in shreds, was Queen Gryffin.
"Princes," the rough voice came from a soldier kneeling, his hand to his chest. He bore the Gryffin crest on his chest and his heavy silver ring worn on his middle finger of his prominent hand marked him as a commander. Dirt and soot stained his face and attire, making him look even more battle worn than he was.
"Apologies for our unruly arrival, but we'd been attacked. The rest of the guard has been murdered." His voice was raw and tired as he recited the events that just recently transpired. His voice nearly cracked. There were so few humans already, that when they are lost to the disease, the pain is felt acutely by all.
Alex cleared his throat, "Get her majesty inside promptly and alert the healers." He directed the guards that weren't clearing away the debris before turning to Gryffin guards' commander. "Follow me."
The commander, looking all the worse for wear, followed alongside my brother as Wes and I trailed behind.
"So what's your story?" Alex asked while we wound our way up the cobblestones toward the King's residence.
"Well my name is Koren Agard and my parents died in the Origin. I was saved by a scouting party and taken to Gryffin safe hold. I was 10 when I started training to become a guard. I'm 23 now and I was promoted to commander at 21 after serving for 3 years."
"Congratulations commander, it's rare to see someone so young get so far." Alex sounded mildly shocked.
I, too, was surprised at his early ascent to a position of power. Normally you need to serve some 5 to 10 years to be promoted to anyone important. It was more than surprising though, I found it suspicious.
We had reached the guards' entrance when we met up with Captain Darth. He was a well built fellow of 40 years and was one of the most trusted guards in the Knight safe hold.
His salt and pepper mustache that had a life of its own twitched when he beheld us before he ordered us to take the mandatory disease test.
Every time we had visitors, everyone was required to be tested for the disease in case it was unwittingly released inside the city. Everyone was also tested on a monthly basis as a precaution.
Koren nodded sharply and ducked inside, followed by my companions and I who lazily followed. Disease testing was a annoying and slightly painful procedure that I never look forward to, so I lagged behind my brother and Wes, glaring ruefully at the equipment table with the various utensils.
Koren obediently relinquished his hand for a series of stabs and prods of various anti-beastie tools. Wincing, he stepped back after the final test and retreated to the bathrooms to tidy himself up. After my brother, I surrendered myself to get stabbed repeatedly by silver, wood and iron and get a multitude of herbs shoved in my face and, after not dying horribly, I proceeded to follow Koren to wash away the blood on my forearm.
Wes and Alex were arguing good-naturedly in the far corner, pressing towels to their bloody arms. Koren seemed to have disappeared into the showers as other guards filed in slowly. I stuck my hand under a tap and ran tepid water over it, the water slowly turning from red to pink and finally back to its original clear as my blood clotted. Shaking my arm, I stalked over to Alex and grabbed his towel, wiping off the water.
Koren emerged from the showers, wearing a rough emblazoned tunic and pair of brown trousers that identified him as an off duty guard. His hair was the colour of dark chocolate, flattering his hazelnut eyes and slightly tanned complexion. Water droplets shimmered in his hair as he scrubbed a towel through it. His body was built like Wes', slim but muscular.
My eyebrows shot up and I accidently dug my sore skin. Wincing and cursing under my breath, I composed myself as he sauntered over. Wes was eyeing him warily, as was Alex.
"How did you survive, Koren?" Alex inquired as Koren dropped his towel down the laundry chute.
A flash of pain traveled across his features before he cleared his throat noisily. "It was a routine drop off. We followed the route but the path cut off suddenly by the Wolf Hole Forest. So we went the long way around and before we knew it, we were surrounded. Someone knew we were coming and the planned an attack. It was a massacre.
The six flank guards were murdered instantaneously in the initial onslaught of werewolves and the right perimeter guards were trying to fend the rest of them off, but we were not prepared. I was personally guarding the carriage along with four others, but we were overwhelmed. The guards dropped like stones in seconds and I knew I had to save the Queen.
I commandeered the vehicle as the driver was already dead and I drove those horses to the max. However, closer to the safe hold, some vamps caught my scent and fired arrows after me. They hit the wheels and the reins and before I knew it, the carriage was crumbling. That was when your guards shot the vamps with deadly precision and killed them. That's when they hauled us inside. The Queen suffered some damage in the scuffle and was knocked unconscious. I managed to save my Queen, but I regret that I couldn't save my comrades."
I was impressed with his story. To think he managed to evade the wolves was astounding, unfortunately the Queen was worse for wear so there was no support for his tale. That meant temporary imprisonment until he could prove himself. My heart ached for him. His down fallen eyes seemed sincere.
I glanced at Alex and gestured to him frantically. As I could not talk because it would reveal my sex, I learnt sign language. He narrowed his eyes and he attempted to decipher my hurried movements. When I was harried, my words tended to overlap and I stumbled over them.
Wes arched his eyebrow. "You're right. Of course."
Koren glanced at Wes confused as he relayed that he indeed must be imprisoned and that we must away at once to see the Queen. Koren, dismayed, nodded as he recalled the rules. Alex went to fetch Captain Darth with Koren as Wes and I started towards the Queen's room.

FantasyIt's the freaking end of the world. Alexei Knight lost her mother to the disease and now the beasties seem to be getting stronger. Her best friend, Wes, and her brother, Alexander, must find the source of their increasing power. In the meantime, Kor...