001 | the first meeting

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The skies open just as Jungkook clocks off his nightshift.

His thin jacket provides little protection against the heavy downpour, and by the time he's run the half-mile back home from the convenience store, he's wet through and chilled to the bone, damp socks squelching unpleasantly in his water-logged shoes. He really needs to get a new pair (the soles are sporting more than one hole now) but he'll just have to make do until his next pay cheque comes through. Food and rent come first, and he's already been pulling extra shifts as it is just to make ends meet; he can't afford to splurge on accessories until the bills have been paid.

Reaching his towering apartment complex and slowing to a jog, he pushes open the gate and heads up the short path towards the main entrance, blinking the fat raindrops from his eyes.

Jungkook's foot suddenly catches on a shadow, sending him staggering forwards a few paces as he tries to regain his balance, hands reaching out to catch himself against the wall of the building.

"Ow," mumbles the shadow behind him.

Jungkook startles, wheeling around to stare back out into the gloom, eyes honing in on the distinctly man-shaped silhouette who appears to be sitting in the tiny flowerbed by the path, propped up against the fake-marble statue of some ancient forest deity. A man-shaped silhouette whose legs Jungkook has apparently just kicked.

"Oh god," he breathes, hurrying to crouch down at the stranger's side, setting a careful hand on his shoulder. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. Are you hurt? Sir?"

The man's chin has been lowered towards his chest, but at Jungkook's tentative touch he slowly raises his head, tilting it back to rest against the decorative statue as he surveys his attacker silently for a moment. The nearby streetlamp had been too dim to light the path a moment ago, but curiously the stranger's face is perfectly visible despite the gloom; with his angular jaw and high cheekbones, his skin's so pale it almost seems to glow in the darkness.

Jungkook feels his breath catch in his throat, his heart giving a funny little flutter beneath his breastbone because holy fuck, he's never seen anyone so beautiful in his entire life.

"Hey there, handsome." The man's lips curl up in a tired but happy smile, apparently unbothered by the fat rain droplets that are dripping from his fringe and down his cheeks. "Where'd you come from?"

In any other situation, a line like that would make Jungkook so incredibly flustered that he'd barely be able to string a sentence together, but given the unusual circumstances that he already finds himself in, being hit on by a good-looking guy is really the least of his worries.

"I live here," he answers simply, because honesty is easy enough to articulate. "Um...do you? Live here, I mean?"

"Nooo," the stranger replies, shaking his head somewhat drunkenly, like he only has partial control of his musculature. "I'm kinda lost...my head got fuzzy, I must've used the wrong gate, wasn't s'posed to end up on this side of town. Should've been home ages ago. Jin-hyung's gonna freak out, it'll be dawn soon..."

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