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I would say it needs no explanation everyone knows what dragons look like so if you are face to toe claw with one your sure to know exactly what your looking at. So I hope you enjoy the retellings.
It was just a normal night that night I will never forget it was October 10th the year 2002. I don't talk about it vary often everyone laughs at me so I act like it did not happen even though I know it did happen. The dog was barking that night not just my own but all the dogs where making a great fuss thinking it was just sirens or something I mostly ignored it till I heard a loud sound. It shook the whole house and yet no one else paid it much mind I was tossed a flashlight and was told to (go and check it out). I got out side and noticed right away that something was blocking out all the light from the moon and stars over our house. I thought it was probably a cloude I mean what else could it be? I scanned the fields with the flash light trying hard to peirce through the inky blackness of the night. It was then that a great force of air rushed past me there was a loud boom as the ground shook dust and rocks where lunched at least 30 feet in the air. As the dust began to clear I could see before me a giant black shiny rock at least that was what it seemed to be. Till I looked up slowly taking in the insanely large leg of shinny red scales leading up to a shiny red body that reflected my flash light beem my heart was racing and the dogs had gone quite I was frozen in pure fear. With a flap of its wings it knocked me down just with the force of them flapping as well as several trees as I lay there I continue to stay still for several minutes in complete shock. I went back inside as white as a ghost everyone asked what I saw but I could not talk. I am glad I was finely able to tell this as it is more of a relief then you know maybe someone else has seen a dragon as well.

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