when maeve stays with the carreras for a certain time, her whole world is turned upside down by the so called monster rafe cameron. will she choose to stay?
highest ranking:
#1 drewstarkey
#1 madelyncline
#1 topperthornton
#2 rafecameron
#2 netflix...
"i don't know if i'm ready to go to a party tonight," i tell sarah and kie. the party has already started and we're still at kiara's house getting ready. my outfit is nothing too special. sarah really wanted me to wear a dress, but i don't feel like it. she looks hot in her dress though.
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"i'm pretty excited for you to see the people. it's a mix of kooks and pogues which makes it interesting," sarah says with a smile.
"and a lot of hot guys!" kiara announces. i grab a pillow from my bed and throw it at her. "i'm not going to hook up with some random guy, kie."
she purses her lips and nods "uhu".
"okay, maeve, what the fuck, you look amazing," sarah compliments me. kie agrees.
don't even get me started on these two.
we arrive at around 11 pm and the place is already so crowded. the party is hosted in this huge house that i don't know who it belongs to.
as we walk inside, jj disappears in the crowd. probably looking for beer. or weed. or girls.
sarah takes kie and mines hand and drags us to the table where all of the alcohol is put on. i can tell you, there's a lot.
after we all got our desired drinks, we head to the yard where most of the party is happening. some are laying in the grass, others are in the pool and than you have us who have no idea what to do.
"hey! we're over here!" i hear a familiar voice yell. i look in the direction the voice is coming from and see john b, jj and pope sitting on the loungers. "let's go," sarah speaks.
"i really didn't want to come here after work jj," pope states with a loud sigh. "shut up man. it's summer. you can't just stay at home and not have fun," jj answers. "i agree," i add. "see, maeve is not a pussy."
pope sighs again and i smile at jj. he does the same.
"you've got to be kidding me," kiara breaks the silence. "what?" sarah asks. "didn't know your brother would be here," kiara looks at her and scoffs.
"i mean what did you expect? of course our kook king has to show up and show off his snorting skills," the blonde answers.
snorting? does he use cocaine?
"i hope he won't cause any trouble, but it's still rafe so what do we even expect?" john b voices. they all nod.
"how about we go inside and enjoy our night," i announce to the group. "yes, finally!" kiara responds happily.
as we go inside, i see different groups of people. i see the ones who actually care about the music and dance to it. you also got the ones who just came here to make out with a hot guy or girl. lastly you've got the drug users and you can already guess, rafe is sitting right over there.
forgetting i'm staring at that group, rafe looks up and directly into my eyes. his look is very arrogant to say the least. i turn back to the others to see that i'm standing alone.
what the hell? where did they go?
suddenly, i feel a presence next to me. i turn my body towards the direction of the person and collide with their chest. of course, it's rafe.
"this has been the second time of you not looking where you're walking," i say to his face. or more like his chin cause he is much taller than me.
"with the only difference that this time i surely knew where i was walking to," rafe replies to my previous comment. i look into his eyes and obviously see that he is high.
"shouldn't you be snorting?"
"shouldn't you shut up?" i am taking back by his reaction. he is the one who approached me.
"i don't want to deal with this right now," i say as i walk away. he grabs my wrist and turns me back to him.
"why don't you just come join my friends and i?" he asks. i furrow my eyebrows.
"seriously, do i look like a junkie to you?"
he scoffs and runs his tongue over his lips.
"what's wrong with having some fun? alcohol isn't any better babe," the blonde boy states. "nothing, it's just the way you have fun. whatever, i'm now leaving the conversation and letting you have oh so much fun," i speak and walk away.
"bitch," rafe mutters under his breath.
"jerk," i mutter under my breath.
"hey, where have you been?" i hear kie ask as she sits next to me on the couch in the living room.
"i got distracted and lost you guys. i also had a chat with rafe," i try to avoid eye contact with her. "what! how come?" she asks shockingly.
"don't really know. he just came up to me and started saying shit. i can't even remember." sure maeve, keep telling yourself that.
after we catched up, i hear a good song playing. i take kiara's hand and drag her over to the area where people were dancing.
as we're dancing, i feel a pair of eyes on me. struggling to find where they are, my eyes stumble upon rafe's. for fucks sake.
his eyes linger on mine and i feel intimidated. i can't look away and so can't he. i can't deny that he's a nice person to look at, but his personality just infuriates me. i mean, it's not really his fault from what i was told, but his dad is not the only one to blame.
getting lost in thoughts, i see that rafe is gone. finally.
kiara and i dance for a bit longer and then decide to grab another drink. i look at the time on my phone. 1:28 pm.
i take a sip of my drink and feel my blather being full. to the toilet we go. "hey, i'm going to pee very quick," i tell kie and she responds with a nod.
this house is huge so searching for a bathroom is like searching for a needle in hay. i feel like i'm in the maze runner or something.
i keep turning in whatever hallway there is until i stumble upon two people making out.
"oh sorry," i apologize. then i suddenly see who it is. he looks at me and so does the girl.
"do you mind?" she says rudely.
"just looking for a bathroom, not to interrupt you guys' foreplay," i reply equally as rude.
"come on rafe. we'll find another place," the blonde takes his hand. "no, just leave," rafe demands. my eyes widen in shock. "what the fuck," the girl says and walks away with an angry expression on her face.
"sorry for cockblocking you, i guess," i sarcastically apologize. "she definitely wasn't worth it," rafe responds with a laugh. a laugh? am i sure that i'm not the high one?
"do you still need to go to the bathroom?" he asks. i nod with a smile. "i"ll show you." i follow him and as we reach the toilet, i thank him.
after i'm done, i open the door to see rafe still standing there. "did you wait for me?"
"actually yeah, i wanted to ask you something," he says, "give me a chance to show you how fun drugs can be."
he sees that i'm taken back by his words and reassures me.
"i mean weed, not hard drugs."
"you know what, why not? it's not that deep," i answer. he takes my hand and walks the both of us into the bathroom. after that, he locks the door.