Delicious With A Capital D

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I lifted my head up from my text book, "What the heck?" 

I got up from my floor and walked towards my window. I lifted it open and was welcomed with a pebble hitting my forehead. I instantly brought my hand to where the source of the pain was coming from and groaned.

I looked down to the reason of why I now had a major headache, "Dylan!"

He almost released another pebble in my direction, when he noticed that I was standing in the window, "Brooke?" He blocked the sun with his hand, "Oh hey!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is there a reason you are trying to shatter my window?"

He glanced down at his feet, "I thought you liked that kind of romantic stuff."

He looked so cute when he was nervous, "I do like that kind of romantic stuff but not when it involves in me getting injured."

Dylan put his full attention on me, "Wait, what?"

I rolled my eyes and reached to grab the pebble that oh-so gracefully hit me directly in the face, "This ring a bell?" I shook it in my hand.

He widened his eyes, "I hit you? Oh Brooke, you have to know that I'd never do that on purpose! It was honestly a mistake, I'm so sorry-" I cut him off.

"I'm okay, see?" I pointed to my forehead hoping the bruise hadn't formed yet, "There's nothing there." there was no need for him to feel guilty over something like this, especially when he meant it as a sweet gesture.

He looked at me skeptically, "You sure?"

"Yes Dylan, I'm sure." I told him and giggled.

He stopped questioning me and just answered with, "Okay."

I gave him a once over and was delighted to see his choice of clothing. He was wearing a tight fitted grey t-shirt and black jeans that complimented his leg structure. He was just so attractive, sometimes I wondered how someone like me, could ever be with someone like him.

After a bit more of us rambling on, I invited him in and he made his way to my room where we took a seat together on my carpet.

He squinted up at me, the sunlight angled in his direction, "Hey Brooke?"

I smiled when he said my name, "Yeah Dylan?"

"Do you remember that cabin that we all used to go to when we were really little?" He wondered.

"Of course," I laughed, "Remember the time when you and Sean got in that huge argument over who was sleeping in the top or bottom bunk? Didn't one of you end up sleeping on the floor after neither of you wanted to sleep in the top?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, but it was more so like both of us sleeping in the bottom bunk and when he fell asleep, I kicked him off, literally."

I shook my head, "You guys were so mean to each other."

He nodded in agreement and continued with his earlier statement, "Well, my parents were thinking about selling it because no one uses it all that much anymore. Would you like to go up there before it sells? We could drive up there tomorrow after school's finished and you could bring your stuff to school and keep it in the truck. Then we could make my gas life easier by saving me a trip and drive up there from school."

I thought it over in my head. Even though I was sixteen, turning seventeen, my mother still wouldn't agree to letting me go to a cabin three hours away for a weekend without any supervision, let alone with a boy. Scratch that, my Boyfriend.


I would hate to have to lie to my mother but I really wanted to go with Dylan and I felt like this could be a chance for us to get closer. I was tired of always having people around when we were together, I felt like we just need some alone time.

I put a finger to my chin, "I'd have to ask my mom but I'm sure it'll be a yes."

A great big smile took over his expression and I was instantly filled with glee, "Okay, that sounds like a plan."

My insides wanted to burst out in happiness, "On that note, I have to get packing!"

"Don't you want to hang out for a bit?" He asked, still standing below my window.

I tilted my head and frowned, "I have homework to do."

He smirked, "I can help with that, I am a grade ahead of you, you know."

I found it extremely difficult to say no to him so I agreed to it, even though I already knew I won't be finishing my homework as long as Dylan was with me.

"Wow, you take this studying thing seriously," he observed.

I popped my eyebrows, "I have to keep my grades up somehow."

"I guess so," he replied. Our knees were pressed against each other and tingles spread throughout my leg. It's not that he made me nervous, although he did, but not in an intimidating way, it's that he's a boy and I'm a girl. Just the slightest touch made me feel like I was on Cloud9, it was so weird and probably concerning.

I grabbed my pencil and scribbled down the beginning of a rough draft for my English essay. Just as I was finishing my first sentence my pencil was snatched away.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, my eyebrows scrunched.

Dylan chuckled and wiggled the pencil in my face, "Oh I'm sorry, did you need this?"

I reached for it but his reflexes were too quick and he pulled his hand back, "I don't think so Missy."

"Dylan," I whined, "I need my pencil."

He sighed, his broad chest rising while doing so, "You see, a lot of people get these two words confused quite a bit, need and want, that is. Do you really need the pencil or is it just that you want it? Because I personally don't think that you need it."

Me being the smart-ass that I am, I opened my spare pencil case and grabbed a replica of the pencil Dylan currently held, "You are right Dylan, I don't need it, especially when I have a whole bunch more right here," I pointed to the pack of pencils.

Proud with my comeback I mentally patted myself on the back. Dylan wrapped one arm around me and pressed a little kiss on my lips. I felt his arm move farther and that's when I figured out what he was doing. I pulled back, just as he did and he pulled his arm away. I looked beside me and my suspicions were clear when I noticed my pencil case was missing and were being shaken around in his hand.

"Well you sneaky little bugger," I said, half laughing while trying to keep a straight face.

He laughed, "Now how are you going to do your work?"

I thought for a moment, "Actually, I think I have a spare pen right over here."

I stood up from my seat when I felt two arms pull me back down, "Oh no you don't!"

I giggled but lost my balance and tripped over one of the papers on the floor. I fell on my butt and hit the ground with a loud noise. "Ow!"

"Awe, would you like me to kiss it better?" he wondered in a high pitched voice. I gave him an odd look and he chuckled, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

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