Chapter 15

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Make sure to read chapter 14 I uploaded it last night

After their talk and Carina getting to know the reason behind Mayas mood this morning. Discovering the team have continued their childish behaviour behind her back but nice to her face she could see why Maya was feeling so frustrated.

As Maya was cuddled up to her on the sofa sleeping and Carina running her fingers up and down the blonde back which helped the blonde relax. Carina saw the the tension leave her loves body with every stroke. It pained the doctor to see her girlfriend who is in her opinion one of the strongest people in her life hurt.

Carina had thought a few times just go down to the station and go off on them about how they are treating their Captain, the mother of her son. She's had to talk herself out of it a number of times knowing it wouldn't help much. Well it could get the lieutenant off of her.  Every time she is in the ER and 19 are bringing in a patient. He is there and always comes up to her to talk.

One time Carina was standing at the nurses table looking over a patients chart when he came over. She was secretly down there as there was a big fire and all firefighters needed to be check afterwards so she was hoping to see her girlfriend.

He smelt disgusting no worse repulsive covered in whatever it was at the fire. Carina internally gagged.

"Hey you beautiful. Haven't seen you in a while how are you doing" he smiled and winked.

"Uhh I'm good, but if you don't mind going somewhere else I'm trying to concentrate on my patients chart and quite frankly you stink" Carina grimaced as she saw he took a half step closer. 

"Oh I know sorry about that. How about I take you out for dinner to show you that" he leaned in closer if Carina didn't lean back she was sure he was going to try something more than just talk "I can clean up nice and treat you to a lovely meal at a restaurant maybe back to mine for dessert" he winked again. She tried to do an internal eye roll but she did right in his face.

"Not sorry but one you have to back up, two I am seeing someone who is a much better person than you and three I... I..."

"Aww see you can't even come up with a third reason. Come on I know you've thought about me. And hey who's better than a firefighter." He was so cocky that Carina just wanted to blurt out that she was seeing his captain but as she opened her mouth to speak Bailey came back with the paperwork Gibson was waiting

"Here Gibson, your paperwork now get out of my ER" she all but through the papers at him. As he stuttered a little the chief just gave him the look and he walked away.

"Oh he stinks I hope the rest of the firefighters later come in for their checks don't smell like that either. I don't want to have to fumigate the ER."

Laughing "mmm I think you should have it on standby. But thank you Bailey I tried to get him to back off but he keeps on me. I almost told him I'm his Captains girlfriend. And when he asked me out again uhh he was such a man about it let's go out for a nice meal and back to mine for dessert Uhh men"

Laughing at the Italians antics. "I know I saw the whole thing happen why do you think I came over. I know you and Bishop want to keep this to yourselves and I know the reasonings so I'm not saying tell them yet but you know the station's annual spaghetti dinner is coming up families of the the team are meant to join. So are you going to join them?"

"I know Maya and I have spoken about it. She wants us there. I want to be there but things still aren't good at the station. Yes they have been nicer and actually listening to Mayas orders but she still hears them when they think she's not there saying how bad she is or what they would've done differently on a call. She was actually happy for a few days thinking that they had changed and warmed up to her being Captain but she was crushed when she overheard them again. You know when her shift is over she has these blinders on  that the other day she walked right past Matteo who was calling out for her then done it again as she walked out of the apartment. When she came back she had know idea she did that. She is so pissed off and frustrated that she didn't hear her own son calling her."

Maya and Carina: Alternate Universe Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora