chatper 4: Asia finale

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(Scene opens up to a children's park with little kids running around playing on jungle gym equipment and running up and down slides or swinging on swing sets or climbing on the cage or playing inside of it)

(Then there was a girl on the pull up bar which we quickly learn is issa trying to do pullups on a children's bar which she was way to tall for and had to bend her legs against her Thicc butt as she keeps trying to pull herself up)

Issa: "come on I've worked out for this body I can do it again" she says with some great struggle and sweat she finally does one pull up before falling on her butt as her boobs jiggle a little bit

(Issa gets back up and jumps back onto the bar trying to lift herself up and grits her teeth trying to pull herself up and in her sweated desperation accidently summons her sacred gear as the bar she is holding starts to bend under her sacred gear bending the metal with new found strength)

Issa: "oh shit" she says desumming her sacred gear as she drops from the bar seeing the metal indented with her finger marks from her sacred gear as she sweat drops stepping backwards trying not to look suspicious when she trips and fall on top of somebody

Issa: (falling) "not again" she says turning over to see Asia very badly blushing under her until she recognized who was on top of her

Both: (same time) "Asia/issa" they both talk at the same time as issa Squishies her hand and Asia moans

Issa: "what the" she looks down to see Asia breast in her hand as issa let's go leaping onto her feet as she helps Asia up

Asia: (still blushing) "thanks for helping me up"

Issa: "sorry for bumping into you like this again and the whole breast thing"

Asia: "it's fine so what are you doing here"

Issa: "I'm training what about freed how did you escape him"

Asia: "I ran away from him and the others after I figured out what they wanted to do with me" she says looking up at issa seeing she was much smaller than the already tall issa

Issa: "wait what were they gonna do to you"

Asia: "i don't wanna really talk about that i came to find you so we could hang out as friends asia says with an honest smile on her face with her eyes closed making issa blush and was about to respond until she remembered what rias said

Flashback rias: "remember to stay away from asia"

Issa: (thinking) "sorry rias but she's my friend and I'm not abandoning her" she thinks to herself before looking down at Asia

Asia: "so are we gonna hang out"

Issa' "ya I know a great place we can go eat at"

Asia: "alright let's go then" she says with a smile on her face as she follows issa through the park towards the city towards a small town restaurant

(Arriving at the restaurant Asia and issa are taken to there seats sitting down in a booth next to a window as the waiter gives them two menus before taking there orders for drinks which was just a glass of water for asia and one with lemon for issa)

Issa: "so Asia how did you escape from freed he is pretty psychotic and definitely wouldn't let you just leave"

Asia: "oh well I just told them I was going to the store for supplies and food but I lied to come find you"

Issa: "well I'm happy you got a way but why find me out of all people why not go to the police to tell on freed"

Asia: "I tried that once it didn't go so well but so I decided that hanging out with you would have been better for me instead of being with them"

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