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Her favorite color was purple. She saw it everywhere she went. In her dreams, when she was with her friends, and in the bruises on her body. The earliest that she learned that purple would be in her life for a while was when he first laid a hand on her. He said with his drunken demeanor the first time he had ever hit her "it's the color that looks best on you". 6 year old her didn't understand but was frightened into believing it was her favorite color. Now she was 17, with purple LED lights and a purple-painted bedroom. She lay there in her purple sheets crying off her purple eyeshadow. She wondered why she had ever loved the color purple. But her dad walked in and reminded her with more marks on her body. She was his canvas. He painted her every weekend after a few too many drinks, only to apologize in the morning and say "well the purple does look good on you". She would wear her favorite oversized purple hoodie to school to cover up the pretty purple bruises. Her world was slowly becoming more purple. The less her friends spoke to her, the more time she had to fantasize about her world turning completely purple. The bus was even purple in that pretty blonde head of hers. As her days were going by in a purply haze, her nights lasted forever. She would fill her room up with smoke because she felt the safest when everything was light and fuzzy. She liked when things weren't so clear and in those moments, she would forget the color purple. She would forget those pretty little purple bruises, she would forget her purple fantasies, and she would be at peace. Unfortunately, reality kicked in after a few short hours, and everything would be purple again. It was then, that late night in November she decided she was done seeing purple. She was sick and tired of the hold this color had on her. She took her purple bike to to the pretty lake and knew what she had to do. As she sat there, before taking her life, her entire world had switched to purple, at this point the sky was purple, it was a beautiful lilac color and it made her heartache, she thought that was the last time she would see that color, but as she dug into her wrists, she didn't expect the color to be purple as well. She sat there with purple streaming down her arms and the blade in her hand, she hoped and prayed that was the last time she would see purple, but as her eyes closed and she fell limp, she went into the abyss still seeing purple, it was never-ending, no matter how far she ran.

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