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George's pov:

Me and Dream finished eating a quick meal, it was already 12 so me and dream had to get dressed.

I heard a knock at the door and a bunch of giggling, I walked towards the door and opened it to Karl, Quackity, and sapnap giggling at each other  before looking at me and smiling

"HEY GOGY!" Quackity shouted hugging me tightly.

"Quackity! Don't fucking kill me please" I said trying to get him off me

"OK GOGY!" Quackity let go and walked over to dream punching him in the shoulder

Dream gave him a death glare and Quackity instantly dropped his smile with eyes in his fear.

Sapnap and karl laughed and started to say hi to me and dream,

"We still have to get dressed, so you guys can just do whatever" I told them before walking to my room and locking my door.

I put on a white t-shirt with a rose on the top right corner, many roses on the sleeves, and a giant rose in the back.

I put on some jeans and slipped on my vans before tying them.

I went out to the living room to all the guys on their phones

"what took you so long?" Dream asked, looking up from him phone

"What? I didn't even take long" I said crossing my arms sitting down next to sapnap

"You took like 10 minutes George" sapnap said as all of them nodded agreeing with him,

"Whatever, let's start going" I said standing up and walking towards the door.


We all got in Charlie's car and started to drive towards the beach.

The whole ride all the boys sang songs and had little dumb arguments

We all got out of the car thanking Charlie as we all started walking on the dock to the arcade that's on there with other small shops and restaurants.

"WOO!! FLORIDA BREEZE" quackity yelled jumping around with Karl and sapnap

"They're little children" I said smiling while walking besides Dream

"Yeah and we're like the parents" Dream said looking at me and smiling

"You're so dumb"

The other boys got to the arcade before me and dream so when we walked inside they were already paying for the card

"oh no, it's on me, I'll pay" Dream said scooting the boys away and paying for the game cards,

"YEAH SUGAR DADDY DREAM!" Quackity said as Karl and sapnap laughed before running off and starting to play games

"Alright, what now?" Dream asked giving me my card

"Hmm... how about we have a challenge. Whoever gets most credits wins $20?" I replied

He nodded and smiled before both of us ran opposite ways starting to play games.

(If you're listening to music I suggest listening to 'Be Your Girl' by Teedra Moses for a little fun effect)

We all played for hours, enjoying our time and taking little breaks to eat snacks and to talk to each other.

It was a fun time, the arcade had a small bar so we drank a couple of cups together while enjoying our time.

At one point me and Quackity were playing a racing game with the fake motorcycles and he almost fell off from leaning to much on the side,


"Oh my gosh! NO! All my credits on my card are done with" quackity said frowning

"Yeah mine are too" I said as sapnap and karl agreed with me

"I have like 10 more credits left, I'll be right back have to finish it all" Dream said leaving to go to another game

"I'm so tired!" Karl said holding onto sapnap tightly

"Alright we'll go home after Dream finishes and after we check how many points we got" Sapnap said back to Karl    as he hugged him.

"Alright guys! I did the last credits. Let's go see how many points we got" Dream said walking towards us

"Yay!! Be ready to lose dreamy" I smiled

"Dreamy?" He asked with confusion

"Whattt!! It's just a nickname" I said laughing while walking to the counter to check our points

Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity checked how many points they got first, their total all together came with 2031 points

"WOO!" Sapnap cheered

I was next and dream was next to me with the other worker

"Alright, you got 1200 points" I smiled and turned to dream,

"You have 3000 points" the worker said chuckling

"WHAT?! 3000?!? HOW!" I said to dream looking at him with shock

"I'm good" he said before telling the worker what he wanted.

I walked out with my little stuffed bear and saw Karl, sapnap, and Quackity standing ordering hot dogs

"Where's Dream?" Karl asked looking at me

"He's choosing a prize" I replied, taking a bite of Karl's hot dog

"BOO!" Dream shouted behind me, making me jump

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled while the others laughed

"Here, I got you this" Dream said while handing me a big blue stuffed teddy bear


"Yes dummy" he said rolling his eyes

"Thank you!" I exclaimed hugging him

"Awww!" Quackity said nudging sapnap

I rolled my eyes and we all started to walk around getting ice creams and heading back to the car with Charlie waiting for us.


We all got out of Charlie's car and thanked him before walking away into the apartments and telling each other goodbye.

"This was a fun day" I smiled looking at dream

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, we should go out more" Dream said sitting down on the couch after taking his shoes off

"Mhm! Maybe we can go to the movies next and watch a movie!" I suggested,

sitting next to him watching as he went to Netflix to pick out a movie

"Yeah! We should" he said smiling at me

We saw patches come out from dreams room and walking towards us

"Oh I totally forgot to feed her!" Dream said

"Don't worry, I can feed her" I told Dream while getting up and going towards patches's food bowl.

"Hey patches, how are you?" I said crouching and petting her hearing her meow.


Hi guys! Sorry didn't upload last week. I totally forgot and was doing stuff! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)


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