Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Anya Forger and Harry Potter were quick to become best friends.

Neither truly felt at home on Privet Drive.

Harry due to his upbringing with his abusive relatives, and Anya due to being the new girl in the neighborhood.

Dudley often tried to frighten her, but she quickly garnered a reputation for standing up to him.

Dudley's parents would step in to protect him if they could, but Anya's parents lived down the street and were more than willing (Eager, in Yor's case) step in on her behalf.

In simple terms, the Dursleys were having trouble making Harry as miserable as they once had, and it was entirely due to the presence of Anya and her family.

"Father." Anya said, one morning over breakfast. "Why don't we adopt Harry?"

Yor choked on her coffee.

Anya barely had time to wonder whether she had tried to ingest something that she herself had prepared before her father answered.

"The thought had crossed my mind." He admitted, as he took a sip of his own coffee.

He did not throw it up it back onto the table, so Anya surmised that her Mother had not touched it after all.

"But it would be difficult. We are foreigners to this country, and they are his only living relatives. To get him removed from them and to move in with us would be difficult."

"But not impossible." Anya said.

Her Father sighed.

"I understand how you feel." He said. "That boy deserves better. But the best we can do is be there for him. As his neighbors, and his friends."

Yor smiled as she leaned over the table.

"Who knows?" She said. "Maybe someday he will join the family, after all."

'Maybe he and Anya will get married, heehee.'

Anya had to stop herself from groaning as she finished her breakfast and stood up.

"If Harry hasn't had anything to eat, be sure to bring him by." Yor called after her, as she stepped out the door and into the street.

Over the past week there had been more Owls in Privet Drive than she had ever seen in her life before.

Today there were more than everywhere.

Tawny, barn, snowy, and more that she could not even pick out by name.

They were perched on houses and cars, and seemed completely at home.

She worried briefly about them and whether they could all find prey to eat as she made her way to Number Four.

She stepped past Uncle Vernon's car, which seemed to be covered in droppings, and knocked on the door.

Petunia answered. "Yes?"

"Hello Mrs. Dursley." Anya said politely. "Is Harry home?"

'That girl again.'

"No." Petunia denied. "But Dudley is."

'Perhaps she will take more of a liking to Dudley today.'

Again Anya had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"Well if he's not home..." She said.

She barely had time to react as a nearby owl swooped down at her.

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