EPISODE 10: Mirrors

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Taylor is walking down the hall to her locker when she reaches it and opens her lock a fake skeleton jumps out and she screams.


Neal is a few feet away with Zhuri laughing.

ZHURI- (laughing) you are so wrong for that.

NEAL- she falls for it every time you would think she would know by now.

ZHURI- you're the only one taking this holiday seriously.

NEAL- it's literally the coolest holiday, you get to dress up and you get candy, it's gets no better than that

ZHURI- oh so you like to dress up?

NEAL- maybe.

Zhuri laughs.

NEAL- so what costume did you pick for my super hero costume Halloween extravaganza tonight?

ZHURI- It's a surprise.

NEAL- (laughing) What? Come on tell me.

ZHURI- No you will see tonight.

Zhuri kisses him and then walks away.

Neal smiles and shakes his head.

Taylor starts walking down the hall way towards Neal but Kent grabs her arm and pulls her into a empty classroom.

TAYLOR-(smiling) what are you doing?

KENT- This.

Kent kisses her.

TAYLOR- are you seriously trying to distract me from Neal?

KENT-is it working?

TAYLOR- a little.

They kiss again.

TAYLOR- (laughing) someone could walk in here.

KENT- cool with me.

Taylor laughs.

KENT- but no I just wanted to kiss you.

Taylor smiles.

KENT- what did Neal even do?

TAYLOR- put this ugly skeleton in my locker and scared me.

Kent laughs and Taylor hits him.

TAYLOR- (smiling) not funny! Anyway are you ready for the game tonight?

KENT- hell yes. It's all I've been thinking about.

TAYLOR- Really? That's all?

Taylor kisses.


The drama club meets for rehearsal. Morgan and Zain sit at a table together going over the script.

MORGAN- listen when you say that like you have to really be into it. Phoebus is in love with Esmeralda and she just told him she's going to sacrifice herself for him. Though he's sad he admires her for it.

ZAIN- Yeah I get that but I thought I did the scene fine.

MORGAN- yes you were fine but we have to be better than fine. The  passion has to be there you have to really grab me and look at me like I'm the the love of your life and you are about to lose me. We have to sell it.

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Morgan gets up out her seat and grabs Zain.

MORGAN- let's go again.

ZAIN- Okay off you.

MORGAN- (acting) So let's say it while we have the chance.

ZAIN-(acting) I've known soldiers not half as brave as you.

MORGAN-(acting) we'll be able to watch from it together ... when all this is gone and the world's a better place.

Zain grabs her and comforts her.

MORGAN- now see that time was more believable.

ZAIN- (smiling) Thank you Director Alexander.

MORGAN- (laughing) sorry but this is just important to me. It's the first big acting thing I'm doing I need everything to be perfect.

ZAIN- so why are you not so hard on Quasimodo?

They both look over at SHAMAR sixteen and takes theater very seriously rehearsing.

MORGAN- because Shamar can do his parts in his sleep.

Zain laughs.

ZAIN- that is true.

MORGAN- so are you coming to the game tonight? It's a big one.

ZAIN- I'm not really into basketball.

MORGAN- (smirks) you could still come for the main show obviously.

ZAIN- and what would that be?

MORGAN- Me duh.

Zain laughs.

ZAIN- I know. I'll see what I can do.


Justin is walking down the hall and Taylor approaches him.

Justin because annoyed.

JUSTIN- I think your boyfriend said enough.

Justin points to his eye.

JUSTIN- so save me the lecture.

TAYLOR- oh you have no idea....how could you do that to me of all people?

JUSTIN- Taylor.

TAYLOR- I looked like a complete idiot and a cheater.

JUSTIN- I told them you had nothing to do with it.

TAYLOR- yeah after I had to do detention. What is wrong with you?

JUSTIN- Look I needed an A and I panicked. You wouldn't help me and I knew you had an old essay laying around somewhere so I made a choice.

TAYLOR- the thing is Justin I don't have to help you.

JUSTIN- we all sat in that fucking library and said we are were friends.

TAYLOR- and you came out of it like nothing happened. Look with everything bad that happened between us you know I looked passed it and just let it go and then you started fucking with Neal but he forgave you but now this....I'm done giving chances to you. Don't talk to me don't talk about me there is no friendship here. We are just two students at Lynview.

JUSTIN- Taylor I'm sorry,  we've known each other since we were kids, you can't just cut me off like that.

TAYLOR- That's exactly why I'm cutting you off. You were never supposed to do something like that.

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