Chapter Thirteen

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Days turned to weeks and weeks turned into 2 more months of trying to find out what Vecna was planning. Every day the group of friends became more and more frustrated. Moon was now almost 6 months pregnant and with every passing day she worried that if they ever actually made it back to The Upside Down that she would not be able to go with them. Her life was a monotony of work, pouring over data, and going to sleep only to start again the next day. Once a week she went to visit Mr. Munson so she could listen to his stories about Eddie. They both always ended up in tears but she craved that time. She could tell he did too. He couldn't talk about Eddie with anyone else and she could see just how much he missed his nephew. He had given her a few of Eddie's things that he found in storage and they were now proudly displayed in her room. Her parents had rolled back into town a few weeks ago, oblivious to everything that had gone down while they were gone. They were living in their camper van and she had no desire to be a part of that. She went to see them every couple days but they were mostly too stoned to really comprehend her feelings. She was more than content to stay at her place with Steve.

The Byers had officially moved back to Hawkins which meant Nancy was with Jonathan a lot more. Moon could see the toll it took on Steve having to see them together again. He had retreated back from his pursuit of Nancy to focus more on things with Vecna. She hated seeing him so down and knew Robin felt the same way. They both just wanted Steve to be happy but it seemed like most of the group was pretty down most of the time. The endless loop of searching for Vecna and coming up empty handed was exhausting.

Moon sat on her bed just thinking about her life. Her hand gently caressed her now visible baby bump and she felt the movement underneath her hand. It all still seemed so surreal that in a little over 3 months she was going to become a mother. She would say she was going to be a single mother but she knew that with this family she had created around her she wouldn't feel like a single mother. Her child would not have their father but they would never be lacking in love or in positive male role models. She heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come on in." She said.

Steve opened the door. "Hey are you ready to go?"

Moon looked at the clock, she had completely lost track of time.

"Oh, shit sorry. Yeah just let me get my shoes."

"Robin and I will be in the car whenever you are ready. Take your time."

Moon got up and smoothed out her yellow and pink floral sundress. She slipped on her sandals and ran a brush through her long locks. Tonight they were all going over to the Hopper/Byers residence to talk about their next plans. They had been over there a lot more lately since those adults actually knew what was going on in Hawkins so they did not have to hide what they were talking about. Hopper and Joyce didn't like the idea of the kids still trying to get into The Upside Down to take on Vecna but they also knew they couldn't stop them so the only option was to help. The whole drive over there Robin was rambling about her potential budding relationship with Vickie. It was all Robin was talking about lately but it was a nice distraction from Moon and Steve's disastrous relationships. It was amusing how much Robin was putting into this relationship while also being in denial about if it was real or not. Steve made eye contact with Moon in the mirror and eye rolled. Moon mouthed 'be nice'.

Joyce and Hopper had dinner laid out on the table for all of them. It was the only time most of them had actual full meals since none of them really had the time to cook. Most nights they ate way too much pizza or snacks instead of something healthy. Moon was pretty much the only one of them who ate anything green. Joyce hugged Moon as she came in to the door.

"Hi, Moon, honey how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Pretty good still. Just taking it day by day." She responded with a smile.

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Moon had really bonded with Joyce as the only other person who understood was she was going through. She always checked in on Moon and dropped off random baby items for her all the time. She really went out of her way to make sure Moon was taken care of. It was far more than Moon's own mother ever did. When Moon came into the dining room Dustin came over and gave her a big hug. She would never be over how sweet this boy genuinely was. He had so much trauma in his life and it never hindered his spirit underneath. He was always smiling and laughing which is something Moon needed in her life. He attached himself to Steve's side as he told him everything about his day. Moon smiled as she watched Steve, he never seemed impatient or annoyed with Dustin. He just let his little buddy be his authentic self.

Moon sat down between Dustin and Joyce. Steve sat at the opposite end of the table from Nancy and Jonathan. It was hard for him to see them together again after being so close to getting her back. Moon looked down at El and Mike. They both looked like they were going to jump out of their skin.

"Okay, kiddo go ahead." Hopper said from the head of the table.

Everyone turned to look at El. Moon's heart was racing as she looked at the girl's expression.

"I found him."

Moon gasped and she wasn't the only one. They had built another sensory deprivation pod for El and every day tried to help her get her way back inside Vecna's mind.

El continued. "I managed to piggyback in Max's mind again. Vecna never made it out of The Upside Down. He is still down there, injured but not dead. He is vulnerable and we need to go now."

The room was silent. Joyce took Hopper's hand and he gently squeezed hers.

"Now, listen. We need to have a firm plan before we go back down there. Last time we all got lucky that we were working on it from differently angles at the same time but this time we go together, all of us." Hopper said as he looked at each one of them at the table.

Moon was in a daze as the group began talking. They went back and forth between eating and strategizing. She was brought out of her thoughts when Joyce gently touched her hand.

"Moon, I am worried about you going." She said quietly so only Moon could hear.

"I know, I mean I am too, but I can't let them go without me. I need to be there." She said.

Joyce set her hand on Moon's round belly. She was pretty much the only one that ever touched it.

"You need to be very careful, this baby is very precious. We will do everything we can to protect you both if you feel like you need to come."

Moon let a few tears slide down her face and quickly wiped them away.

"I know but Joyce I have to. I need to see for myself. I just...I have to go."

Joyce nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. Steve was watching them. He had hoped to talk Moon out of coming with them but he knew it Joyce couldn't convince her then he certainly couldn't. He had been dreading the day they got word that they could go back. He was really hoping it wouldn't happen until it was too late for Moon to go with them. He knew she was still agile enough to go with them, being pregnant had not slowed her down at all yet and she no longer got sick in the mornings. He knew there was no talking her out of this now. He just had to be prepared to defend her with his life. He would do it for any of them of course but things with Moon were different. She was the best friend he had ever had, with the exception of Robin. Those two women and Dustin were the people he cared about most in this world. Sure, Nancy was high on that list but she had Jonathan and he would protect her. If they were all going back to The Upside Down then Steve was going to make sure every single one of them came back home again.

They all went home for a full night's sleep, restless as it was, and gathered back at the Byers first thing in the morning. They had been prepared for this day to come and had already been gathering supplies. Moon laced up the combat boots on her feet and adjusted the vest she wore. She was in black cargo pants and a black long sleeve shirt with her green vest on top. Each pocket of the vest held some sort of weapon or supplies. This time she would be prepared for whatever was down there. She pulled her long hair back into a braid to keep it out of her way. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and barely recognized the person looking back at her. The vest didn't zip over her bump and the tight black shirt clung to it. The person staring back at her looked ready for battle not life as a mother. She thought about the Viking women of old. They went to battle pregnant and defended their people. Women had done it for centuries and she was just next in line. She wouldn't let her friends go without her, she had to do her part.

The group was full of nervous energy as the van rattled through the abandoned road leading to the Hawkins lab. It was the best place El could think of that would open a portal. That plus no one would be around to stumble upon them. Moon watched Joyce as they opened the front doors. She had heard about Joyce's boyfriend Bob who lost his life here. Another person Vecna had taken from their group. Moon took her hand and gave it a squeeze. They really did understand each other. Moon thought about Joyce and Hopper's new relationship. They had managed to find love again together but Moon wasn't sure she would be able to move on from Eddie. He was it for her, her soulmate.

They all walked down to where the lab had kept the gate to The Upside Down. Everyone tensed as El held up her hands. They were all armed to the teeth, ready for whatever was going to be on the other side of that portal. Steve looked over at Moon, his eyes dropping to her visible bump.

"You stay right with me. You hear me? I will do everything I can to protect you both." He said.

She nodded at him, tears in her eyes. She blinked them away as the portal began to open in front of them. They all adjusted their weapons. They all had shields for the demobats, some of them had guns, and some of them had spears. Hopper had a flame thrower, ready to burn everything in site.

"Here we go kids. Everyone stay together." Hopper yelled at the portal opened and they all stepped through.

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