The bad beginning Part 1

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Mr.Poe I tapped on Klaus'ss shoulder he looked up as well. Violet eventually saw Mr. Poe and picked up Sunny. Mr. Poe walked up to us and five 'how do you do's later. He said,

"Baudelaires I am so sorry but your parents have perished in a misterius fire. The fire destroyed mysterious everything. Again I am so sorry." I looked at all three of them I know what it likes to lose your parents, people you loved dear and close to your heart. I put my hand on Klaus's shoulder in support. He grabbed my hand back. "Perished means dead."

"We know what perished means were not that dum,." I said clearly. Yes, I was hurt but I could care less about the feeling. I was more worried about the Baudelairess' feelings.
"Well, while the bank figures out who your closest living guardians are, you guys are going to be staying with me.

"We got steamed chicken, and blanched broccoli," Mrs. Poe said.

"What does blanched literally even mean?" One of Mr. Poe's children asked. It's not so hard to know
"It literally means steamed," Klaus answered. Mr. Poe's children looked and said
"Who asked?" I look at him like you literally did just now.
"Be nice they just lost their parents and guardians." Mr. Poe said abrutliently. Looked at the unseasoned chicken, and broccoli, and the green vegetable was satisfying me enough. But the chicken on the other hand did not look the best. Mrs. Baudelaires always made the best hot coco and chicken.

"No honey there right no one asked." Mrs. Poe bluntly said. Us four poking the chicken made Mrs.Poe uncomfortable so she said "I got great news," I looked up from the food. "You made the front page." she grabs a newspaper that was in her lap I'm assuming. Held it up and it said 'Orphans left with enormous fortune!'

"Can we excuse our rooms please, we're not hungry." Klaus said.

"Rooms?" Mr. Poe laughed

"You're going to like your new guardian, he's a count and an actor, I always wanted to be related to an actor. He is your closest living relative." Mr. Poe said as we were in his car. There was no room in the back so I had to sit up front with the Mr.Poe and his cough. That I still have no Idea what it is, so I try to stay as far away as possible. I look outside the window and I see bluebirds flying, and the green trees swaying.

"I've never heard of him." Violet said.

"He's either... Let's see. What is it? Your third cousin fourth time removed, or your fourth cousin three times removed. In any case, he's removed. Still, he's only three miles away, and your parents' will was very specific about your being raised by your closest living relative '' I looked at the Baudelaires, I shook my head.
"Does he really think about what the closest relative means?" I whispered to them.

We stopped in front of a white house. Which had a lady outside of it. We got out of the car and started to walk towards her.

"Why hello children, who might you be?" The lady said.
"I'm Violet Baudelaire and these are my siblings; Klaus, and Sunny." Violet said joyfully. She looks at me.
"I'm Y/n Snicket." The lady was holding a bunch of groceries in her hands.
"I'm Justice Straus, I would shake your hands but my hands are quite full at the moment."
"Are you Count Olaf's wife?" Violet asked
"No no, In fact I barely know the guy, he's just my neighbor. I wish I was married but I am married to the law." We turned around and we saw a dark and gloomy place. Where I would say dreams come to die. I saw a blue bird fly towards the house and BAM a crow took it somewhere else. "Oh I wish to have kids like you. In fact I would like some help because I just had to run to the store to get tools even though I have no idea what I am doing with mechanical things. I had to get new note pads so I could rearrange my library, but I have no acute literary sense." Klaus looked at me with extment, I looked at him the same way. I quickly looked away due to the fact that my face was getting red. "And I forgot a bread knife so I can't cut up this baquet and I was going to eat it with hummus." Justice Straus sadly said. I couldn't help but hear Justice Straus saying hummus wrong.

"We could help!" Klaus said determined. She looked at Klaus weirdly out of curiosity. "Violet is great at mechanical things. Y/n and I have an acute literary sense and my sister Sunny would love to help you chop up your bread with her sharp teeth." Justice Straus smiled.
"Well my library is always open." 

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