chapter seventeen

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For being so fucking small, Josie's got a hell of a grip

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For being so fucking small, Josie's got a hell of a grip.

She's squeezing the shit out of my arm, not that I'm complaining, but I can't hide the smug ass grin on my face because she's sitting right next to me, so close that I can feel her breathing quicken as she hugs my arm to her chest. She's hiding her face halfway, just enough to peek her eyes over to watch the movie and dart behind my arm again when it gets to a suspenseful part.

She wasn't joking on our picnic. She really isn't good with scary movies.

I wouldn't look like such a smug asshole right now if she hadn't raised a brow at me earlier when she set her bag onto the floor and climbed onto my bed, pulling her lip between her teeth in a teasing smile as if to say, you're going to stay over there, right?

I was planning on keeping my hands to myself tonight, even before she practically built a pillow wall between us as she tucked herself into my bed. I made a promise to her on our picnic that this sleepover was going to stay PG-13, and I meant it. If she just wants to watch movies, eat popcorn, and hang out, then that's fine by me. Not that I'd be opposed to spending the entire night doing what friends with benefits do, but I could tell by the nervous look in her eye when I opened the front door that she wasn't ready for that.

Well, not for what my version of friends with benefits is, at least.

Although, she's making this whole keep your hands to yourself thing a lot harder than it needs to be — pun fucking intended. After we finished the first movie, I went out to the kitchen to grab a new bowl of popcorn and some more strawberry lemonade and beer, but when I got back, I froze in the doorway as I caught sight of her opening the bathroom door. She looked over her shoulder to turn off the bathroom light, and my eyes dipped eagerly down her body, lingering on the two perked nipples hidden beneath her USW ARTS t-shirt before noticing the peaches on her shorts.

I've been screwed ever since because that sight was all I needed to spiral headfirst into the kind of thoughts I shouldn't be having on a PG-13 movie night, which is why I tried to act as nonchalant as I could as I dropped back down onto the bed and pulled the duvet up to cover the front of my black joggers. Luckily, she didn't seem to notice as she tied her long hair back with a pastel yellow ribbon. I cleared my throat and looked back to the TV, trying not to spiral into thoughts of all of the other things she could do with her hair tied back.

I've been prepped for this sleepover for the past week. I made a list of thriller movies for her to choose from, and after seeing how she reacted to the alien invasion film we just watched, it was probably a good choice that I didn't add any actual horror movies to the list. When she climbed back onto the bed, she hesitated, as if suddenly realizing that she didn't even last two minutes into the first movie before shoving aside the pillow wall and hiding behind me for the majority of the movie. But when her eyes flicked up to mine, I grinned and nodded for her to come over. She smiled sheepishly and settled herself as close as she could get, molding herself to the side of my body as she grabbed my arm and cradled it to her chest, resting her head on my shoulder. I tried to hide my dumbass grin because the only place my hand could go in that position was her thigh, and when I cupped the inside of her leg near her knee, I could feel her body warm under my fingers.

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