~Chapter 6~

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"I'm going to get us all another round of shots!"

Violet runs off to the bar before I can protest. I'm five tequila shots in already and we've only been here an hour.

I don't know what possessed me to finally come out to the club after they've been asking for months. Gabe, that's what. I really enjoyed lunch with him. Maybe a little too much. But he's a client and that's how it needs to stay. Never mind the fact that Nick would go apoplectic at the mere suggestion of something happening between us. He's always been a bit overprotective, and I have no doubt this would secure him a segment on America's Most Wanted.

"Tequila for us!" Violet hands out shots to Ethan and Jamie. "And a Blow Job for Sydney - just in case she needs some practice for later tonight."

"I hate you," I say, as she hands me my drink and sticks out her tongue.

"Cheers, bitches!" she screams.

The three of them lick some salt from their hand and slam back their shots, while I close my mouth around the rim of the shot glass and shoot it back hands free.

"Yaaasss, Sydney!"

"Damn, you might just give better blowjobs than me."

"I'm not opposed to holding a competition." Jamie winks at me, completely ignoring Ethan's death stare beside him. "Who's ready to hit the dance floor?"

"I thought you'd never ask, babe."

Ethan grabs Jamie's hand and yanks him out of the booth. The two of them laugh and kiss their way through the crowd, suddenly oblivious to everyone around them.

"Ugh, I want a love like that. They're so cute together."

"Yeah, they are."

Looking off after them, I remember the love I used to have. People would say that about me and Jeff all the time. I never took it for granted; I knew what Jeff and I had was something special and I was the luckiest girl in the world to find my soulmate so young.

"Okay, you've disappeared into your thoughts again, which means it's time to dance!"

Mimicking Ethan, Violet yanks me up and pulls me to the dance floor. We quickly find the guys and start dancing. With lights flashing and beats dropping, we navigate the dancefloor with ease. Jamie's by far the better dancer, having trained in musical theatre and worked a show on Broadway. I try, and fail, to imitate some of his moves, choosing instead to let my tequila-filled body do whatever it feels like.

Looking good, Sydney Bean.


My body freezes as I make out Jeff through the haze, looking handsome as ever in his Army Combat Uniform.

No, no, no, don't stop, babe. I've always loved watching you dance.

He's grinning at me from across the room as I sway to the beat, losing myself in the rhythm. Never content to just watch, he walks over, closing the gap between us.

May I have this dance?

I nod, and his hands are instantly on my waist as he expertly grinds against me. This is how it should be - me and my husband dancing and enjoying ourselves on a Friday night.

Oh, how I've missed the feel of Jeff's hands on me, missed his touch. Song after song, we dance against each other, my hands tangled behind his head while his roam my body. There's a quickening in my core as his lips find their way to my neck. Desperate for more of him, I spin around, pressing my lips to his. Time stands still as he kisses me back with the same passion and intensity.

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