The roof of his house seemed more entertaining than usual, making him remember... His life changed as soon as he turned his 20s, when his parents abandoned him without a coin to live on.
But why wasn't his roof boring?
A question he thought and thought about, and for which he took a long time to get an answer.
He got up from his 3x3 meter room and went outside, before him, a landscape of the least beautiful that could be seen. Nearly dying people, dead cats, crime and murders... But it was the reality of him, so he kept walking.
He had no clear direction, he just wanted to walk. His mind kept reminding him of his poor choices, that he was a throwaway second choice. He tried to push those thoughts away and arrived at a slightly cleaner shoreline without bitter or dead environments.
He approached the shore and looked at the deep horizon at the bright sea of vivid colors, realizing what his eyes failed to see due to neglect.
Since when was the sky so blindingly blue?
In a way, at one point in his life, his glaze stopped looking at the sky since he didn't see it as special, it was always covered by unpleasant clouds. For him, the the hard wet concrete ground as more interesting.
It is a story that does not make much sense at first reading, but it represents what all of us stop looking at, what we have in front of us and decide to lower our heads losing the colors and vivid passages that surround us.

Collection of short stories
General FictionStories never shared before. A bit of everything: stories of abandonment, sadness, regrets and sometimes joy. Maybe you find your safe place here, dunno! Just enjoy ;) Only created for entertainment. The cover is not mine. It's a photo of Ginza, Jap...