Happy Anniversary (p. 1)

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"So do you have any idea what your plans are??" Robin questioned. Steve, Max, El, Dustin, Will and Robin had come over to spend time with you as you had just gotten home from college

"Not a clue, Eddie said he wanted to plan everything, he hasn't even given me a tiny little glimpse of a hint" you sighed and flopped back onto your bed.

You and Eddie had been together for 4 years now, since senior year of high school. Ever since you and Dustin saved him for the demobats and worked tirelessly with Hopper to clear his name, the two of you had practically been inseparable. Even when you left for college, Eddie would drive up almost every weekend to see you. Your anniversary was tomorrow, and Eddie had planned the whole thing.

"Are you nervous not knowing?" El asked. She still wasn't the best at picking up on tone cues and body language, but she was trying her best.

"Oh absolutely, I don't think Eddie's planned a thing in his life; I don't know why he wants to start now" you and your friends all laughed

"Well we should have a girls night right? We can do your nails and then in the morning we can help with hair and makeup" Robin exclaimed which gained excited gasps from everyone else

"I don't know guys.." you said, unsure if you're anxiety would want you to be alone or not

"Come on! Girls night plus Steve Will and Dustin!" Robin cheered, and everyone else joined in "Girls night plus Steve Will and Dustin!"

You chuckled "okay okay! I'll stay here then" you smiled and your friends jumped up to group hug you

"So we have to start with the outfit right? Are we hitting the mall?" Will chattered

"Oh absolutely that's like one of the most important things!" Max followed up

"To Star Court 2!" Robin and Steve cheered in unison. When Star Court mall was destroyed, they rebuilt it and so very creatively dubbed it "star court 2", very original indeed.

The group of you packed into Steve's car and you headed off. When you arrived, the girls and Will took off through the first store while Steve and Dustin shuffled awkwardly, not knowing what to do in order to help. You walked through the store, thumbing through some of the clothes but nothing was really jumping out at you.

"This store sucks we're moving on!" Max said as she came out of nowhere. She and El took your hands and you ran out of the store, the rest of the group following behind.

You went through several stores before you found one with great options. The group was picking out outfit after outfit; even Steve and Dustin had gotten into it at this point. You had collected quite the pile and went to the dressing room. As you were trying things on, you noticed whatever it was your friends were just saying "You look good in everything!!"

You knew you needed someone who would be honest with you about how they felt. Suddenly, as if your mind was read and answered, you locked eyes with just who you were looking for; it was the one and only, Erica Sinclair.

"Erica!!" You waved excitedly and called her over. She said hi, took one look at your outfit and exclaimed "did normal college not work out? You shoppin for clown college now?" The rest of the group yelled "Erica!" In unison which earned a "just the facts!"

You laughed "no no this is good I need someone who's gonna be honest with me" Several outfits and a lot of comments from Erica later, you picked up what was your favorite from the group. Everyone had picked it out together, and all it needed was you (and Erica's) approval.

You pulled the outfit on and immediately loved the way it felt on you. You turned to the mirror and admired how it hugged your body just right, how the color was so flattering on your skin, and overall how much you loved it. You sighed hoping you would be agreed with and walked out to your friends.

Everyone excitedly chattered about how beautiful it looked on you and how perfect it was. You turned to Erica who, probably for the first time in her life, was speechless. She eventually said "dang you look good" which was all you needed to seal the deal. You got changed and paid for it, gave Erica a hug and a thank you, and the group of you crammed back into Steve's car headed to his house

You spent the rest of your night munching pizza and watching movies with your friends. El, Robin and Max painted your nails your favorite color to match your outfit. The group of you fell asleep rather quickly, which was good considering the next morning was pure mayhem. You all woke up late and Steve made pancakes for everyone while the girls did your makeup. They all worked on it and made sure it was absolutely perfect. After a group breakfast you put your outfit on. They then put hot rollers in your hair, resulting in perfect ringlet curls. Around 1-2 pm you were ready to go and waited on Eddie.

Everyone told you how good you looked, and gave you hugs telling you to have fun. You were a little confused as to why everyone was being so incredibly nice and helpful, but you shrugged it off and figured they must just be excited to see you again. They loved that you and Eddie were together so that made sense too. You saw Eddie's van pull up outside of Steve's house and you ran out to see him.

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