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Since Zayn has been born and things with the whole club have gone in the right direction no more locks up. lockdowns, kidnapping, harming ol'ladies, or anything that had made everything seem like it was never ending.

I had another baby this time a girl that we named Aviana.

With everything on the right track and not crazy Happy and I were able to enjoy being parents to happy babies. we got to enjoy more time with each other with no fear of anything happening to each other or our babies.

We learned so much with Zayn and Avi. Zayn has Happys attitude, his quietness, and his whole demeanier. while Avi is just like me from her chunkiness to her spunk.

Our babies are our world and we could are grateful to have them in our lives. 

when our babies came into mine and Happy's world they changed its for the better and the good. our slightly lite world brightened ten fold when they arrived.

I've never regret my life what so ever. 

I love my husband and kids, I love my friends. and I love myself.


A/N: the end 

hope you enjoyed it.

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