preparation part 2

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Handy pov :

Finally suitcase was so heavy. It is strange because I take only the necessary. And I didn't take all my tools !
" I ask if Hefty already prepare his suitcase...and If it is more heavy than mine !" I laugh because I know he gonna take some of his dumbbel.
Well...I finish so I think I am gonna visit him. It is always a good think when your friend do this.

*walk until Hefty's house and knock to the door*

" hmm ? Yeah who is it ? I am a little busy right now..."
Pff , I enter anyway. Don't worry he is used to this when I need to " borrow " him something for my invention.

" oh it's you ! Did you success to close your suitcase...? Because for my part..."

I start to laugh so hard. He is worst than me in this point. It is maybe for that we are best friend also.
" hehe it is like you have a little problem of organisation...let me help you."
" Hmm Handy, don't want to make you upset or anything but you are really bad to do this..." he said embarrased...
How nice ! But maybe a little true...but it is not reason to make me notice it ! I have my own définition of organisation !
" oh I see...if you want I can ask Brainy to help you...he like this you know..."
That work ! He sights anf than smile.
" You are really a child...C'mon you won. Come to help with this damn suitcase..."

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